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05 May 2011 5:43 PM:

Thanks very much for the replies so far, it does indeed seem like it is a wise idea to get road tax! 

The trouble is to get road tax I need to first get to Barcelona where I will be staying to get an address for it to be sent to (currently touring France at no fixed address). I'd also need to send back MOT/insurance/V5 certificates to my parents to get tax (no 16 digit number for online tax as it is SORN and I did not buy the last tax disc, it was on the car when i bought it).

Therefore I might be making things worst for myself as if stopped on route to Barcelona I not only will have no tax but also no proof of insurance, proof of ownership or MOT either! Do the Guarda accept photocopies as proof of these things, if they checked on the DVLA computer they could verify these i guess?

Also regarding roadblocks, are these mainly at borders/on motorways so can probably be avoided by taking the non-toll country roads which I prefer anyway.

Regarding the insurance angle i phoned my insurers regarding the issue, they confirm that in the event of an accident my vehicle is covered COMPREHENSIVELY regardless as to whether it is taxed or not!. Even if the MOT had expired, unless it could be proved that the car was unroadworthy, the car would at least be covered 3rd party and possibly comprehensively at their discretion. No road tax does not effect insurance, which is why I am slightly surprised the Guarda would care about it, but given the useful responses on this forum they clearly could do more than just fine me and much as I can take a gamble on a fine I can't on being left at the roadside carless so hopefully will get to Barcelona OK and then get the tax...then just car parking to sort out!



Thread: UK Road Tax and Spain

03 May 2011 3:00 PM:

Thanks for the reply but I'm not sure this is correct. The insurance states the car must have MOT, though even not having this does not automatically invalidate the 3rd party insurance. If you have MOT and tax the car is definitely insured. Road tax is that, just a tax.

In the UK if you are caught without road tax your car can be impounded as it is not allowed on a UK road.

In France they do nothing as dont enforce it.

Im wondering what the Spanish position is



Thread: UK Road Tax and Spain

03 May 2011 12:00 AM:


I have spent the last two months in France driving my UK registered vehicle as everyone does in France/Switzerland, that is without UK road tax. Now I know this isn't technically legal but in france/Switzerland they dont have road tax themselves and therefore whenever stopped they check only MOT/Insurance (which I have) and then let you on your way and do not care about tax.

So my question is what are the practical consequences of having an insured and MOT'd are in Spain without any road tax (it is on SORN as not used on a UK road). I don't want the legal position as I know its technically correct but just the practical one - ie/ if caught will they do nothing/small fine/impound car, etc.

Providing they can't impound the car I'm happy to risk a fine as I am loathed to pay the UK government £200 a year for not using their roads. Re-entry to the UK wont be a problem as my parents can get the tax disc and send it to me in Spain just before I return. I can't see why the Spanish care to enforce this as they do not derive any revenue from UK road tax.

Thanks in Advance, 


Thread: UK Road Tax and Spain


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