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Waited4years's latest forum comments

30 Dec 2009 12:49 AM:

I have read with interest your predicament and some elements are sounding familiar.  We are just at the point of completing on our property at Mar Menor 2 - a long and painful journey considering we signed initially in September 2005!!!  Our original choice of development had planning permission withdrawn and we were offered a number of options (one of which I believe was to pull out).  However we chose to purchase same size and style of property on MM2.  From day one little information on timescales was forthcoming and nothing was ever put in writing - my emails were always responded to by a phone call.  Even now with the property completed we are facing problems with our mortgage provider and their request for an extortionate amount of money to cover costs we have already paid to Polaris, but must battle on.  Now the tables are turned and Polaris are chasing us to hurry (as if they ever did) - they will have to do what we did and wait!!

Thread: Bankers Guarantee with Polaris World.


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