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17 Jul 2008 7:13 AM:


I would like to inform everyone that last 9th July, the oficial publication of San Jose into Administration took place, that is, it is officially now when creditors must prove the contractual relationship with the company and the payments done, having one month from that date to do so.

So please, if you have not begin with these procedures, do it as a matter of urgency, because you would have only until next 9th August.

Best wishes to everybody.

Thread: San Jose into liquidation.

03 Jun 2008 4:44 PM:

Good afternoon Abolex and briando55,

The information I have now is only about "San Jose". Although we could have access to the ones of "Herrada del Tollo" if required...anyway, Abolex has that list of this last one, so together we have the whole information...


Thread: San Jose into liquidation.

03 Jun 2008 10:41 AM:

 Hi there,

Please note that we have discovered that the amount of some of our clients, creditors included already in the list, is not exactly correct. There is a 7% missing. We presume it has to do with the IVA / VAT, something that would not have any sense. We are trying to know more about this but at the moment, those included already in the creditors list, please check the amounts before taking any further steps.


Thread: San Jose into liquidation.

30 May 2008 10:13 AM:

Hi everyone involved in this story,

We would like to give you an update with regards to the current situation about San Jose. 

On Wednesday, the Judicial Administrators were finally named for the two companies involved in the procedure through the Trade Register of Alicante. San Jose has as Administrators to Mr. Pedro Agarra (Economist) and Mr. José Luis García (Lawyer). In representation of creditors, it is CAM bank (Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo). errada del Tollo has a Administrators to Mr. Jose A. Pascual (economist), Mr. Abraham García (Lawyer) and CAM bank in representation of creditors.  

The above mentioned Judicial Administrators accept and assume jointly the faculties of administration of the companies, being the ordinary exercise left to them to be judged and to authorise and show conformity.

 However, nobody should think or speculate with the idea that CAM bank would be having any sort of favour treatment towards their debts o the ones of their clients. They have the responsibility to watch over all creditors equally. We wanted to point this out in order to avoid clients going to CAM bank thinking they would be having any advantage.

 Administrators, apart from paying to creditors or negotiating with them the way they will be paid, they will be working to finish those projects pending to completion. It is even possible that a bank would be ready to finance the finalization of some projects in order for clients to complete the purchase and in that way, they would be getting cash money for the company. Therefore, not all creditors will be paid in cash or in properties. Each one will have a particular treatment.

 San Jose in the application for voluntary administration included some purchasers as creditors, mainly purchasers of El Pinet, due to this was the most problematic one from the urbanistic point of view. In fact, we were able to have access to this list and are able to check who and for what amount. The rest of people will have to present before the Administrators the receipts of their debt (with private purchase contracts, receipts of payment, etc). Nevertheless, we consider very interesting for some purchasers to present some sort of lawsuits to cancel contracts and claiming back for their money, something that will depend very much on the specific situation of each one. We have to take into account that as much the situation goes on, the resolutions will be more personalized.

 Bearing in mind that in notifications to Administrators or in the judicial procedure the documents to be presented must be originals, please give them just to professionals in whom you trust.

 Finally we would like to inform you that in case of having properties to both companies (San Jose and Herrada del Tollo), you will have to initiate two different procedures although parallel and linked.

 We will keep you informed about any news we could have access to.


Thread: San Jose into liquidation.

26 May 2008 9:12 AM:


As I mentioned before, and due to the geographical closeness to San Jose headquarters, we have been informed about some issues not very nice. Last Friday, a journalist of the radio station “Onda 0” informed us that the main administrator of San Jose suffered a brutal aggression that drove him to hospital, it seems that the aggressor could be a supplier, although we are trying this to confirmed by the police.

This matter although it is of no importance for us or for our clients, shows the tension atmosphere that currently exists here…

We were able to know as well that one of the two Judicial Administrators named by Court has declined to do it because of justifiable reasons, so in the next hours, the final Judicial Administrators will be named and they will begin to work with the piles of paperwork and files they have to study.

Nevertheless, the most important news of all, although it is not confirmed yet (we are working on it) is the one saying that it is very possible that all clients who were purchasing a property with San Jose, those ones who actually paid a deposit for their properties, will be included as creditors directly. Of course, this is something that if true would make easier the situation. We hope to have the final confirmation for Wednesday, something we will post here for your information.

Best wishes,

Thread: San Jose into liquidation.




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