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31 Aug 2008 10:08 AM:

Hmmm... some blackout haha... my best friend has some channels back - about 12 or 14 she said - I'm on La Mata and hven't got anything yet, but have been told it shouldn't be too long now....

Someone had better get Dave Jones of CBN up to date! lol

P.S. Good idea Dave Jones - stir things up with the BBC, get them all riled up so we won't be able to get those channels back - what a public spirited man you are!

Thread: Telimicro GONE

27 Aug 2008 9:54 AM:

Worry not! 

Just spoke to Telmicro on their phone line (902512930 in case anyone else wants to call), and they confirmed they have all relevant licenses to install and broadcast digital TV systems, I asked if that includes English channels too and they confirmed there are some that are allowed and some that are not, others need to be confirmed if they're legal or not. She gave me some of the channels that'll def be back when they come back mid-sept... Fox, National Geographic, Calle13, Sky News, Cinestar etc. Others will be coming back as and when the courts confirm they're legal. She made a good point - after all this, if Telmicro can't show the channels, then no other company can legally show them either.

Having looked at a number of forums and papers etc I'm getting loads of conflicting rumours, and I'm not gonna be changing to any other company just yet... I'd rather save my money, get a tan and see what happens.

Thread: Freeview in Spain

27 Aug 2008 9:41 AM:

I've just spoken to the hotline (902512930 for those interested) and they confirmed that my August DD went thru cos it was for July's service, which was ok, now I won't be paying til they announce it on their info channel when it is all back on. Seems like we'll be getting some extra free viewing when it all comes back. 

I asked what it was about and they said can't be sure as Spanish law says you can't get details of an ongoing investigation, but from what they can tell it's re "certain channels" - I think we can all guess which those are! 

Also confirmed what the email in previous post said - Mid-sept is what they're hoping for to resume broadcasting... 

Makes me wonder though... why was Telmicro shut down while the other companies were only told to stop showing those channels?.... sounds weird to me... any thoughts?

Thread: Telimicro GONE


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