¿Quien es Guapas?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Husband and Father

Vivo en... UK and Malaga

Trabajo de... Consultant

Mi firma en el foro es...

Regards Guapas

Guapas's latest forum comments

12 Sep 2013 7:52 PM:

Hi All, I'm am the OP. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your contributions to this post. Just as an update, I finally did get the car legally transferred into my name, via a UK run Gestoria in Alecante, where the car was originally regterested.





Thread: Transfer of car ownership with all docs but previous owner's NIE. Possible?

09 Jun 2013 3:05 PM:

Hi tamaraessex, thanks for your reply. You are absolutely correct! We are indeed buying the car from a UK Dealer. So I guess the question is:- if I buy a Spanish registered car from a UK Dealer, is it straight forward to register the car in my name, in Spain?

Thanks :-)



Thread: Transfer of car ownership with all docs but previous owner's NIE. Possible?

09 Jun 2013 1:11 PM:

Hi elaineG, thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.

I am aware that if the car and owner were both in Spain, I wouldn't have an issue. It's pretty common to find foreign vehicles in the UK.

I really don't think the vehicle is at risk, as I have all the provenance, including the previous owner's Spanish contact details. It's the fact that the previous owner has sold it in the UK and not left their NIE with the auction... which they probably wouldn't have thought to ask them for..

Thanks anyway :-)


Thread: Transfer of car ownership with all docs but previous owner's NIE. Possible?

09 Jun 2013 11:56 AM:

Hi, we're moving to Malaga in September.

We've found a Spanish registered car, at a Used Car dealer here in the UK, which suits our needs and budget perfectly!

We've had the VIC carried out in Spain.  The car is clean and safe to buy. We believe the previous owner has sold up in Spain, moved back to the UK, and sold the car at auction

The Dealer has the following docs:-

  • tarjeta de inspección technical de vehiculos   (including the informe)
  • permiso de circulacion 

They also have 

  • matricula of the vehicle
  • complete service history

They do not have

  • passport / NIE + signature previous owner
  • proof of payment of local car tax, impuesto sobre la circulación de vehiculos
  • a transferencia

So, is it at all possible to transfer the ownership of the car to ourselves without the previous owner's NIE etc? Typically we're getting conflicting advice.  We find it hard to believe this situation is unique, is there a way around it?


Thread: Transfer of car ownership with all docs but previous owner's NIE. Possible?


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