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20 Feb 2016 1:29 AM:

Thank you everyone.  I have a clearer picture of what is the situation.

.... Oh how we all wish that we had fibre optic, they keep promising but it never gets here....  

In Lanzarote it is only the capital Arrecife has any Fibre Optic, the resorts and other towns are still waiting.

I have written to the committee asking for a list of exactly which UK and Irish TV channels the proposal would provide.

Copied them an article found on the internet that summarises the approval of and installation of communial TV systems in a complex like ours that is around 30 years old.

Also suggested they might enquire to find out when Fibre Optic will be available in the resort.

Thanks again.  Amanda




Thread: Is there Spanish Law about TV aerials in Communities

18 Feb 2016 12:24 PM:


In amongst the papers for the forthcoming AGM (our community of 35 apartments and 5 locals in Lanzarote) is a proposal for a centralised TV system being installed. The opening statement of the proposal says:

"According to Spanish property law the installation of a central TV aerial system is mandatory for all communities with more than ten units in order to avoid multiple installations of parabolic aerials and the corresponding cables on the roofs."........

Can anyone tell me please if that statement is true and if so where it is stated so that we can read it.

Thank you. Amanda


Thread: Is there Spanish Law about TV aerials in Communities


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