Detailed advice on moving back to England from Madrid Spain

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06 Sep 2023 1:10 PM by DaveDogge Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

I'm planning on moving back to the UK (England) in Feb 2024 having from Madrid Spain, having moved from England to Madrid back in 2014..

Now with Brexit, I wonder what has changed in terms of the paperwork that is required and what stage should I begin contacting removals companies for quotes ?

The reason I ask is because my mother informed me (dunno if true), that you need to provide to the UK evidence of Spanish residence and utility bills of the destination place you are moving to ? otherwise UK customs will charge VAT on all items you have shipped over ??? 

Also there is a potential another complication right now, in that I only have Spanish nationality and a Spanish passport although fingers crossed my British Citizenshop application and passport should be approved within the month and arrive soon. If it doesn't come through in time, I will have to stay in Spain and sort that out and then return to England later when my stuff in shipped there in Feb 2024.

Are there any pitfalls ? what about lead time for contacting Spain to UK (England) removals companes and could anyone recommend any ? I may use the ones I used before almost 10 years ago almost  but they were a tad expensive back then and dread to think how much they will charge now.

thanks in advance for any advice.

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