Add Your Business

List Your Business Today

Get your business in front of our 10,000+ daily visitors and over 60,000 members.

It's totally affordable with no long term commitments.

  • Just €9 per month!
  • Pay every month only when you want to have your listing live on the website.
  • No long term commitment - Cancel anytime!
  • Listing appears not just in the directory but also in our community forums so even MORE people see it.

We can't be beaten!

We know how tough business can be at the moment and we want to help as many busineses as possible to get new customers through our website.

In terms of exposure vs investment...we just can't be beaten.

Try us today

Can you afford not to try us out for a month? It will only cost you €9 today.

If you're happy pay another month or if not simply cancel your listing and pay nothing more.

Otherwise, if you're totally smitten just carry on paying €9 per month and we'll keep pushing people to your business.

Please note that if there is no existing category for your business then we will create it for you.

Thanks for your confidence in Eye on Spain.

The EOS Team

Step 1: Enter Your Contact Details

Please provide the following details about yourself for our records. In line with our privacy policy this information will never be shared. This information is NOT published with your listing.

Title *
First Name *  
Country *
Surname *  
Job Title *  
Daytime Telephone *  
Email *    

Step 2: Enter Your Listing Details

Company Name *  
Website *    
Business Description * Characters used:   :(Do not paste in any HTML code)  
Geographic location *
Enter city/ town/ municipality applicable to your listing
Additional Information
Enter any additional information that may help us to describe and categorise your business

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