Property purchase cost calculator
The calculator below will give you a good approximation as to the total starting cost for purchasing your property in Spain. Some of the factors used in the calculation are approximate as they are dependant on unique factors pertaining to your property.
After completing and submitting the form you will be given a complete breakdown of the total cost of your property purchase including taxes, fees and mortgage fees.
This calculator has been put together in conjunction with Mark Wilkins of The Rights Group.
Items marked * are required.
Disclaimer: As individual personal circumstances, mortgage rates, regulations
and legislation and the like will vary from time to time and from region to region
within Spain, the Property Costs Calculator is to be used for the purposes of illustration
only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advise which the publishers
of the Property Costs Calculator encourage you to obtain. Neither the publishers
of the Property Costs Calculator nor their collaborators and contributors to it
can be held liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from any
reliance placed upon the materials contained in the Property Costs Calculator or
the results obtained from it.