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Fighting against corrupt field agents

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08 Feb 2007 12:00 AM:

Ripped off clients? Ripped off staff? Waiting for money from this company? READ ON.......

Confirmed sighting - Board of directors of Interealty re-establishing themselves in the infamous call centre in San Pedro. SPOTTED AND PHOTOGRAPHED leaving the call centre and followed up to La Quinta. FACT: This company that were banished from the Costa Del Sol for ripping off clients and owing a LOT of staff money (with court cases pending) are still alive and kicking, not just on the Canaries where they tried to hide but actually back in action with a a NOT SO ELEGANT partner. FACT: This company have their old active website www.interealty.es where un-knowing clients are registering their details and the NOT SO ELEGANT partner are handling the leads. Unsure? Look at the registration process of Interealty's website and that of the NOT SO ELEGANT as well as a plethora of websites all leading to the same office, all mirror images. ARE YOU STILL OWED MONEY? THESE GUYS HAVE IT, GO AND GET IT IT'S WAITING FOR YOU!!!


This confirms the following statement that was posted on a consumer website in December as shown below:


"PLEASE STEER CLEAR OF THIS COMPANY. All Directors are ex interealty and guess what? Ian Kennedy (Interealty) is now involved/part owner of EH. They have installed the Interealty IT system, have thousands of Interealty's leads and Ian Kennedy is on hand in their offices in Guadalmina 3 times a week. So is Hamish, and Edward Kennedy. A quote from Michele Garcia the MD (ex sales manager of Interealty) "Just like old times again". They are now rapidly expanding and conning people into putting deposits down. Clients will never see that deposit again. The BBC have complained about the company and an exhibtions company in the UK has now banned them from attending exhibtions and are taking them to court. They owe money to EVERYONE. However, somehow they have the money to move offices in January. Guess where they are moving? To the old Interealty Head Office in San Pedro. Say no more! Where is the money coming from? They can't even afford to pay staff, suppliers etc let alone move offices. Maybe the bank of The Kennedys are paying. PLEASE DO NOT HAND OVER ANY MOENY TO THESE PEOPLE. TRUST ME I KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON."

Thread: INTEREALTY back in town


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