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Diamond Lil's latest forum comments

08 Feb 2007 6:23 PM:

Jackbauerctu - get a life you saddo.  You really don't have a clue.  The mole is obviously misinformed!!  Firstly Interealty were NEVER taken to court for ripping off clents - only for non payment of commissions!  Not good, but no different to any other agent on this coast.  I suggest YOU go to the call centre and show your ugly mug so that you can get the COMPLETE story, not just a load of rot made up by a bunch of total losers.  Can you really not move on??  We were all owed money, but some of us had to accept this and get on with our lives.  The question you should be asking yoursefl, is HOW MUCH DID IAN KENNEDY LOSE - it was a hell of a lot more than you idiots, that's for sure.  You lost a couple of thousand euros - HE LOST EVERYTHING!!  Now, give it a goddam rest, this total rubbish is boreing.  As for that load of crap at the bottom -  read the full story!!  The owner posted her opinion (probably the only person to ever print their real name) and as we all know, their really ARE two sides to every story.  Bet the Kennedy's wish they were a bank, and if Ian Kennedy DID syphon off money, why the hell would he still be in this dump, putting up with dumbo's like YOU??
Thread: INTEREALTY back in town


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