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22 Oct 2012 7:17 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

Can any forum Members help please.

My Friends are going to Seville on 24th December 2012 and are asking for any suggestions regarding  street Parking or siimilar for 5 days.Do you know if the public transport will be operating.They wrote to me as following:-

"As we are going for 4 nights over Xmas maybe you can give us some tips.  We will be staying in a self catering studio flat.  We wont need a car when we are there but we will have to drive there as we will have luggage and a cooler box as we will have to take food with us.  As we arrive on the 24th everything will be closed that day and the day after.   I have read people's comments on the Internet and they all say trying to get parking in Seville is impossible and the open parking places charge €20 a day.  This is really expensive although I don't see a way around it.  If you went what did you do?

I would appreciate some advice if you have some."
Many Thanks



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22 Oct 2012 9:18 AM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar
Yes - after unloading their stuff they should drive back out to Carmona, the lovely village where the beautiful Parador is. There is masses of free street parking all around the village. Then they should go inti the Parador for a coffee and a nose around. It is absolutely stunning. If it's not too cold they should take their coffee out onto the little terrace that leads out from the bar, for the extraordinary views (the building was a fortress and is atop a massive rampart).

Then they walk back down through the village, perhaps lunching at one of the superb bars around the square, go through the huge stone arch out into the more modern part and get the hourly bus for a euro or two into Seville. There's an Oficina de Turismo under the big arch if they need any further help. It's about 20 mins to Seville l seem to recall. By the way this is also a good option for the airport as it's close to that. I'm sure the bus will be running even though they arrive on Dec 24th but you could check on the net.


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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22 Oct 2012 3:50 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

 Hi Tamara

Many thanks for this

I am sure this information will be of a great help to them





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