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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
17 Aug 2012 9:42 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Dringman- you make it sound alot simpler and its true someone shouldn't exceed their authority. But, we dont know that PT did that.and if so for what reason.


This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 18/08/2012.



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17 Aug 2012 9:49 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Totally agree elarado. The anti-Spanish sentiments voiced by some is a bit disappointing to say the least. They should remember we're guests in their country and show them some respect.

Only point I'd pick you up on is that it's more an English thing than a British thing, from what I've read anyway.



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17 Aug 2012 9:58 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message

Clearly you have never had any experience of dealing with Polaris. If you had spent 182,000 Euros on a apartment from a company that has delivered very little of the advertised surroundings and facilities then I have a right to annoyed. Then to see the same deplaurble actions taking place within the community I bought in good faith why should I keep quiet. Certain organisations have and will continue to make money on the back of others misery. I suggest you grow upand get a grip on reality because for me this is not only about a Spanish or UK dominance it is clearly relent here because we are all effected on CDA. You find this thread deplaurable - personally I find the underhand tactics of doing business in Spain deplaurable and how they think they can get away with it. Whether you like it or not the Uk has ploughed millions into the Spanish economy and in particular Murcia. Just imagine how things would be without this investment and tourism.

I couldn't care less who is Level 1 president as long as they have our interests in mind. The web of descete is clearly huge and you have to question how wide spread the envelope under the table is throughout. I would be really even to see how much revenue our administrator profits from each year when the time spent on selling other services to make them more money could be spent on fighting our case with the local council to get the disgusting hole on La Isla actually filled with water as per plan as an example.

Bet Mr Polaris is living the life of luxury somewhere master minding his next huge project...

  Mark Bentley

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17 Aug 2012 10:00 PM by fighter2 Star rating. 237 forum posts Send private message

I repeat... good luck... disparity and disunity will lead to disappointment, the Administrator will guide you down this route because it serves his purpose, divide and conquer as a philosophy is old but not defunct.


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17 Aug 2012 10:30 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message

The more I think about this whole situation the more it makes my blood boil. Does anyone know the full range of services that our administrator actually offers and what do they have to gain from each professional and commercial arrangement? Are we actually paying for 5 people in the main office plus who predominately will be looking to seek additional revenue because I can't imagine the day to day running of dealing with suppliers will be particularly difficult. Seriously guys someone please explain to me what we get for our money? Our community website is an absolute disgrace, the communication method is from the dark ages in a controlled and obvious way that wants to control what the messages are communicated like the Iranian government plus very rarely do you get a response from our administrator. You can guarantee you will get a quicker response if you wanted them to arrange to get you Internet installed by A2Z then you would if you submitted an official complaint regarding the water situation on La Isla. I know from experience this is the truth because I have been waiting for 8 months for a response to my letter so very little chance of hearing back now.

For those of you that see this has acceptable and can find a way to defend then I would question your motif. Mine is simple I am pissed off - very pissed off at Polaris and the dream we were all sold and the fact they are allowed to continue building at La Manga, the dreadful way that Phil Tann has been voted out without been given an opportunity to defend himself and it's a disgrace all round. To expect anyone to attend a key meetings like this with 24 hours notice in my eyes should be considered illegal and against all community policy and if this has been allowed to happen then this just proves the governance is strong when it needs to be but can be adapted when suits and quite simply a disgrace and unprofessional.

  Mark Bentley

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17 Aug 2012 11:02 PM by elarado Star rating in Las Cañadas - a nice.... 63 forum posts Send private message


I clearly do not have any experience of dealing with Polaris, but there again, why should I…..urbanisation life was not for me. Overpriced battery cages are not representative of the Spanish lifestyle I required. The pitfalls were always there, you were always going to be subject to living life via a “committee” – sometimes they work, sometimes not. I am sympathetic regarding your fiscal position, however, did you not consider that “bubbles burst”, the writing was on the wall 15 years ago, economies could not continue to expand “add infinitum”. Polaris produced an array of magnificent brochures, projecting a wonderful lifestyle, but what you did not know was how much money they borrowed to finish La Torre just before starting Condado, the expression “little tinkers got no gold” springs to mind.
Regarding “growing up” and “get a grip”, business is business……. there are many similar situations in the UK regarding property developers/speculators.
Reference filling “the disgusting hole on La Isla”, I advocate that the Alhama council walk away from this one, water in this part of Spain has a more important function – to keep the local farmers in business. You want “pretty water”, you pay privately, its that simple!

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17 Aug 2012 11:14 PM by markbentley Star rating in Halifax, West Yorksh.... 329 forum posts Send private message


Believe me we have already paid for this privilage as part of the initial purchase price - its the continued paying that I do not support and an administrator who acts with so little respect.

  Mark Bentley

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17 Aug 2012 11:47 PM by b.bravo Star rating. 45 forum posts Send private message


I don't know which island you are sitting on this evening. The one with no water or the one with lots of water around it.
Please sit back and enjoy the weekend…cool off…and wait until all the facts are on the table.


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19 Aug 2012 12:49 AM by CondadoHope Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

Just a quick point been to the Al Kasar for Medieval market and saw a heated discussion about the rear gate being locked.

The same gate ML said that PT abused his powers to have opened,

The gate was opened to allow some equipmqnt or things delivered and then relocked.

I found it strange that an enclosed complex with thousands of people only had one exit.

Later the gate was reopened strange. I enquired as to why and was informed that the local authority / emergency services had been contacted and the gate reopened for safety reasons, so at least we now know PT used his powers in the intrest of community safety the first time. it may be minor but maybe it puts the rest into context.

I await with intrest PTs return I will nake a point of meeting this so called tyrant!!!!!

I just wounder if ML have been given enough scope on purpose.


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19 Aug 2012 10:04 AM by patrick41 Star rating in Dumfries, Scotland .... 136 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Elerado
I agree with Mark that people on La Isla paid over€30000 more than similar properties on Condado for the privilege of views of the lake and part of the purchase price was to cover filling the lake.This was initially done but in the last year the water has been used for irrigation on the rest of the resort.Since purchasing or properties they have fell in value by over €100000 and now we have dead fish floating on the lake and rats.I think it is in all our interest on Condado to get the resort as close to the brochures as possible as this will bring more people to the area and help get Spain back on it's feet.I come to Murcia with my family a few times each year and spend €1000s in the area but the resort and La isle needs to keep moving forward if this is to continue.Pat

      Pat & Jackie  

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19 Aug 2012 11:10 AM by 2littletinkers Star rating in Naranjos 5. 549 forum posts Send private message

Well said Kelly!

I personally think level 2/3 should be scrapped and the level 1s elect a President every year to represent resort. Run it like a local council, with each member responsible for promoting the resort. I think ML should go as they have overstepped the mark and I dont think PT would want to keep this position? ML have now taken the power they accused PT of wanting!! If ML don't like your face they have you sacked, what if there was just a personality clash with PT? If the President changed every year he/she could give it their best for 12 months.



12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!! Email condadokey@gmail.com

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19 Aug 2012 11:11 AM by 2littletinkers Star rating in Naranjos 5. 549 forum posts Send private message

I think we need a residents' meeting, soonest, with webcam, questions could be emailed. A new President could be elected. Victoria may be the best person but she was voted in by 3 resort residents/ presidents in dubious circumstances. Who stood against her? I thought an election meant more than one candidate?



12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!! Email condadokey@gmail.com

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19 Aug 2012 11:12 AM by 2littletinkers Star rating in Naranjos 5. 549 forum posts Send private message

Accounts must be seen and if affordable, the resort could provide free transport to the Port etc.  The resort is wonderful, I love the people, especially the Spanish! Lets work together and turn this situation around..ML are here to support us not the other way round. A new President must be elected by a majority not ML and 3 level 2 Presidents.

This is a democratic society whether you like it or not ML!




12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!! Email condadokey@gmail.com

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19 Aug 2012 11:13 AM by BFR Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message

 as owners and ML's employers I believe a full enquiry should be launched. Who by I don't know but clearly what has transpired is not right. 

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19 Aug 2012 11:16 AM by 2littletinkers Star rating in Naranjos 5. 549 forum posts Send private message

Hi, I think its past the enquiry stage.  Time to hold a residents' meeting and elect a new president, if Victoria gets it excellent...but 3 persons and L cannot pick the new president. 



12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!! Email condadokey@gmail.com

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19 Aug 2012 11:50 AM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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I don't really understand the level of anger aimed at ML to be honest. As I see it, the working relationship between ML and the former L1 president had deteriorated so much that it had become completely unsustainable, and I suspect there was blame on both sides for that situation. They issued the letter last week to bring the issue to a head, in what was basically a 'back us or sack us' statement. It was the L2 presidents who made the final decision to back them, ML had no part in the vote. If the L2 presidents thought that more of the blame lay with ML they would surely have backed the L1 president instead. Why wouldn't they? Of course only time will tell if they've made the right decision. You can of course argue that they were wrong in issuing the letter to bring all this into the open, but remember the catalyst for the whole situation as I see it was the former L1 president's wife publicy criticising ML in an open forum. So there was clealy wrong on both sides, but now it's time to move on IMO. Despite this latest unsavoury incident I've generally been satisified with ML's performance until now. I see no reason therefore in replacing them now with another unknown administrator with unknown consequences. We need stability, not more even uncertainly. At least give ML and the new L1 president a chance to show what they can do before jumping to premature and hasty reactions. Just my tuppenceworth. :)



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19 Aug 2012 12:00 PM by tubs56 Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message

It is hard to remove a dictator who will go to any length to retain power by doing and saying anything to destroy the opposition and only allow you to hear the voice of people they have vetted or put in place. Opposition will be crushed by any means necessary.
Any similarities to the situation on condado you must decide for yourself.
Ask yourself why we don’t have any information from your presidents on the official web site and the only communication you receive is from the administrator.
Ask yourself why you haven’t been told about any of the significant problems this resort has been having such as water shortage, contentious legal appeal and debt problems. And numerous other issues you are not informed. The only information they give you is the grass has been cut, the trees pruned, the pools cleaned. They also continually tell you how good your administrator is but no mention of the work of your presidents.
Ask yourself why it is the administrator that has driven the campaign to discredit PT and none of the presidents did this, till the end when some were brought in to give the appearance of a democratic vote. And all this had happened whilst PT is still out of the country.
Ask yourself is it fair that they called a meeting with just 24 hours notice to remove him declaring you have demanded it and provided no right of reply to PT
Ask yourself why the only information you receive is only on forums such as this.
Ask yourself is this the justice you wish to see.

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19 Aug 2012 1:10 PM by 2littletinkers Star rating in Naranjos 5. 549 forum posts Send private message

I believe ML have overstepped the mark, if they get away with this, then what?? 



12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!! Email condadokey@gmail.com

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19 Aug 2012 3:21 PM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

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 19 Aug 2012 11:50  Cappiflow    well said 


People need to be careful when they listen to 1 opinion. I agree ML overstepped the mark but if you only knew how they are being treated. If you can't manage people who work for you then we need someone who does. 

I was sent to a branch in 2 of my jobs that others had found difficult because of the staff doing their own thing and not complying to expectations. Properly manged the branches where turned around and staff made to understand how they should work. I did not do it with Bully boy methods.

My companies took the opinion to change the manager not the staff. 


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19 Aug 2012 4:11 PM by tubs56 Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message

If you recall one of the allegations about PT in the letter from the administrator was that he put the community at risk because he ordered a second gate to be opened in the Al kasar. One of the complainants about this gate being opened was your new lady president.
I am told that on Friday night once again the second gate was locked on the orders of the administrator, meaning that if a serious incident had happened there would have only been one way out of the Al Kasar in an emergence.
The Fire Brigade were called to ask if this was safe and legal who in turn called the Police who came to look. The Police informed the administrator’s representative to immediately open the second gate for the safety of the public and if they didn’t they would be held personally responsible for anything that happens.
So well done PT for knowing the law better that the administrator and the new level 1 president.


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