Calida property services

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05 Sep 2009 12:00 AM by mercbill Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Has anybody heard that Calida property services are going into liquidation, I have paid my fees for the year and have concerns that this may turn into another Sue Gardner scenario.  Any info would be appreciated.


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06 Sep 2009 4:19 PM by Tony & Sean Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

I have not heard anything, i got back this morning but i have seen their car travelling around the site,. I have also seen them working on our neighbours garden. i will let you know if i hear anything.

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30 Sep 2009 10:33 PM by golf_god Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

as far as i know nothing has happened to calida property services. i know the owners of the company quite well and have been kept informed about any issues with the company or my villa since i signed on with them a few years ago. I can only hope that they havent gone into liquidation as i have never had any problems with them and i wouldnt use any other service on the resort.

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24 Nov 2009 2:57 PM by GeordieBoy Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

I'm sure that everything is OK with them and they are still trading.

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09 Dec 2009 12:46 PM by mercbill Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

The liquidation of Calida Property Services is quite common knowledge amongst the other property management companies and some of the residents.  As mentioned before with the Sue Gardner situation we are all a little bit nervous and I for one would not pay any company more than a month in advance in this current economical crisis.

For more interesting info - I hear the hotel has been furnished, lets hope it opens soon as this will be a real boost for the resort. 

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14 Dec 2009 7:24 PM by ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

haciendavillasandgardens were advertising €70 per let all in for a 3bed 3bath villa.Pre clean,after clean all linen and a range of other services.The price we are charged is so much more than that and we know that the afterclean is very basic.

As we all have problems renting out at the moment because of the lack of facilities and cannot charge much,half of the rental goes to the cleaning company.we also have electricity and water to pay for as well.

We have put up with this just to try to collect something to pay the rates,but was very dissapointed last time we were over as they are subcontracting and must pay a maid about €6 to do an hour and leave it like that.

This is the problem ,once they start delegating the bussineses go down the pan.

Good news about the Hotel perhaps things will start looking up.

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06 Jan 2010 2:55 PM by mercbill Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Yes you're right, complacency does creeps in and quality is sacrificed, also the price has a habit of increasing.  Sometimes its healthy to change the management company or at least challenge the costs. Also these companies come and go very quickly, often with no notice. As for rentals, Resort although expensive seem to currently be about the best for summer rentals.

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