Hacienda Multi Services

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The Comments
24 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by mia Star rating in Windsor UK. 49 forum posts Send private message

Hi there


does anyone know if these people are still in business.  Just wondering if any of you have dealings with them or if you live over there if you know if their offices are still open.  They have offices very near to HDA and provide (or did) lots of services on the development

Can't get hold of them at all, there is never an answer on the office phones, and it is very worrying for us.


thanks in advance for any info.

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26 Feb 2009 3:46 PM by RCanada Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi All it has come to my attention that these guys are in trouble at the very least and are possibly gone out of Business.


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26 Feb 2009 11:41 PM by mia Star rating in Windsor UK. 49 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ronan


thanks for this.  Yes I believe this to be true.  Have been calling the office 10 times a day for a few weeks now no answer, have not had a statement since November, and no emails have been answered.

Onwards and upwards again I guess.


Thanks for your help




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27 Feb 2009 12:05 AM by ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

I have never met anyone concered with this company,but did they ever have a chance of making it a success after buying it from Sue Gardiner.She took so many people for a ride. pocketing their money and installing people in the houses that she was supposed to be managing without telling the owners .After selling them the company she then started sending malicious e-mails about them.We heard that she is now living in the lap of luxury in Guildford Surrey.That woman was evil.

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27 Feb 2009 8:29 PM by mia Star rating in Windsor UK. 49 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ricky09

thanks for replying.  I wont' disagree with your post.  However,  the company in question (Hacienda Multi Services) have taken 6 months rent from my tenant and I have not been paid a penny. 

So, for a company that was trying to dispell the alleged allegations of being 'thieves and robbers' you must agree that they have gone about it in the wrong way.

At least HM Rental et al, sent us a mail saying they were dispanding.

This lo,t have just well ..... puff...nothing.  Just upt with our money and left, not a phone call not a mail, nothing. ( the worry of emailing and phoning every day for a couple of months was very stressfull)

The most sickening thing to me about all of this, is that these people have gone off with our money,  just taken it.  And you know what, ... they will probably re surface again at some time doing the same thing all over again. 

Whilst they have shattered peoples lives, oh and yes their retirement dreams etc.  How you can defend them? You say it was because of the previous rental company that they had problems,  sheeeshshh so they didnt pay us a penny  of the money they took each month for our villa, cos the last company didnt or what!!!! II really don't know how you can defend them.

They really all should be named and shamed in public for what they have done, but no.  They just lie low for a while and then set up again (oh yea and take peoples money). They are prob already in business again as we speak.

Nothing personal and I do appreciate your reply, just putting my side across. (At least Dick Turpin wore a mask when he robbed people).






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27 Feb 2009 8:41 PM by Noge Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Hi, I am an owner in Spanish Village who was also let down by Sue Gardner. I was out in Oct last and met one of the new owners of Hacienda Multi Services.  He seemed a nice guy and we had a good chat.  He was trying to convince me to sign up with them. I refused.

I think his name is Robert Shaw . I have a few numbers for him. 0034-689-152-773 and 0044-0-1923 606352, 0044-0-7758 587691  email. robert.shaw@lineone.net.


Hope this helps.

Anyone got any feedback from the AGM today?


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27 Feb 2009 9:11 PM by RCanada Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi all how do we go about putting them in Stubbs or some other way of notifying others Ronan

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27 Feb 2009 11:12 PM by ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

Hi Mia,

As I say I had no dealings with Hacienda multi sevices. All I know is that 2 Years ago I arrived  to find that my villa which had never been rented out had it's locks changed and H M  Rental had put people in it for their gain.Useing my electricty and water. When we reported this to the builders they simply said "these things happen" find yourself another management company.Apparently that weekend HM ie. Sue Gardiener had 56 golfers come over and had nowhere to put them so she just used everyones houses that she had the keys to.This also happened to my neighbour just before she left.So you can see why I  don't have any time for HM rentals. My neighbour said that he wants to get the Police involved and I dont blame him ,she also defruaded him of 3k.I count myself lucky that I found out at an early stage.



This message was last edited by ricky09 on 2/28/2009.

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28 Feb 2009 1:28 PM by mia Star rating in Windsor UK. 49 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ricky09


it really is criminal what these people have been doing on that development.  I dont know if this happens elsewhere in Spain, but I must have been seriously unlucky to have two different agents run off with thousands of my money.


Ronan, don't know how others will find out about this, I wonder who all the tenants are paying their money to now? Probably still going into the account of the agents.  Hopefully some people will find out through this thread and they can then take action to sort their properties out.

Take care.

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28 Feb 2009 2:04 PM by len2009 Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ricky

HM Rentals ie.Sue Gardnier also rented my house out without my permission and knowledge and had the money .

This has been going on for a long time.The trouble is that we are all in England and do not know what is going on.

Her house on Hacienda looks as though it has been vanderlised and there is a poster in the front garden and a picture of the devil has been drawn on it.

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28 Feb 2009 2:18 PM by Jack09 Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

I have just joined this forum as I have had the same problem and to be honest, I am  suprised that I am not alone in this.

When I first purchased my house, I used Sue Gardiner (Barwil not Hacienda Management Services) to look after my property.  Big mistake.  She used my property for her own rentals (god knows how many times), it so happens that I found out when I decided to go over to my property and didn't give them any indication that I was coming over, as I used to give them a call in advance.

To my suprise when I walked in, I could tell that someone had been in there as there were childrens toys and used tissues underneath the bed and socks in the drawer, the house was unclean and furniture moved.  We knew that this could only have been Sue renting it out without telling us.  She was very shifty and couldn't look me in the eye when I questioned her about it and demanded my keys back.  I did get some rental money from her, but I really don't know how long this went on for before I found out.  So to be honest, how much money does she really owe me????

I honestly do believe that we have all been conned in some way or another, but think that this started with Sue Gardiner from Barwil and unfortunately carried on through Hacienda Management Services (who may be trying to rectify things.  That's my personal opinion.

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28 Feb 2009 3:08 PM by ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jack,

Sorry to hear that you had the same done to you.Sue G was at first with Barwell and then she became Hacienda Management Sevices.The New people  were Hacienda Multi Services these are the last people in line.

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05 Mar 2009 11:53 AM by Carl123 Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message

HI everybody,


Same problem here - Sue Gardnier totally screwed me over - rentals were lookign good - or so she said, and never had any money out of her.  Worse still, I paid for a 'furniture pack' from her and it turns out she may have simply moved furniture from one villa to another.  I just read on a post she may be living in Surrey - I would certainly like to know where if anybody had a clue..?

I 'sold' my 2nd Phase Altair through Hacienda Multi Services (Robert Shaw, Robert Capewell), but the 'sale' has never made it through because of various things along the way.  The Bank "Caja Murcia" really became quite agressive about the whole thing with chasing for mortgage payments (which of course i thought were being made due to the rental monies in my account, which subsequently discovered of course never made it in there).  They threatened and threathen legal action for repossesion and eventually all went very quiet after it was passed to their 'legal' people and the whole process has now started.  I have put a lot of money into the villa over the last few years in mortgage payments and a substantial deposit, but due to no rentals, exchange rate etc I cannot afford to pay the mortgage, so like some of you, have had to give up..! Very very sad and not sure what next steps actually are with the banks process or with what happens to the villa.

It sounds very very scary as to what is happening out there as I have been looking at trying to remortgage through a company called SunSea Preperties Worldwide (guy named Alan Hall).  anybody come across him at all...?  My thoughts were to remortgage hopefully to a level that would cover the mortgage payments, get out of the legal process and get to a stage where I could sell the villa and at least make a marginal profit.  By the way I had agreed a sale price on the villa of Euro 245,000..!!! a tad shocking seeing as i paid 272,000 plus IVA off plan about 6 years ago..!


Any feedback from anybody on the above would be good..

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05 Mar 2009 12:12 PM by RCanada Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi Carl I emailed her some time ago at I can post this address in her email I got the impression that she was in Manchester.If you send me your email address privatly I will send on her email if you want



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06 Mar 2009 3:46 PM by harryandrews Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hi, I am an owner of a detached villa in phase 1 of the resort and am horrified by the stories of Sue Gardiner and her company HMS.  I would like to say to all of you who have had or are having problems that my property has been managed and rented by Resort Management from day one!!

They offer full management and rental services as well as furnishings and maintenance.  I find the staff extremely helpful and nothing seems to be too much trouble for them.  I have also had many rentals from them as they work with a lot of big UK travel companies and agents such as James Villas whose brochure and TV advertising is obviously working.

They are not the cheapest, but I believe you do get what you pay for and I feel my house is well looked after and certainly not rented without my knowledge or me receiving payment from them.

Has anyone else got their property with them, would be great to hear from you.



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07 Mar 2009 9:25 AM by shivyshivy Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hi HarryAndrews,

Could you post the contact details for the agent you use.  Do they have a website?.  I am also with Hacienda Multi Services and have not received any rent.


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07 Mar 2009 12:55 PM by sarahlewis Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message



I was at the resort last week and heard that the people who took over from sue gardiner have now also closed down their office.

I gave my villa to resort management last year and had quite a few bookings for last summer. This year my villa is almost fully booked for the summer. True they are a little more expensive but they have an office on the resort and 2 other offices one of which is in la manga club which gives me the peace of mind that they are not just going to disappear over night.

They are having a few telephone problems at the moment as the telephone company at hacienda has also gone out of business so the best way to contact them is by e-mail. The lady I deal with is Jo and her e-mail is joanne at resortmanagementhda dot com

Lets hope the resort improves this year when the hotel and spa opens, I am sure it will help.


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07 Mar 2009 4:20 PM by len2009 Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sarah,

Did the resort still look as immaculate as usual?

Have you any idea when the hotel might open and will the facilities be available to owners.

Any news of the Spainards reopening.

Sorry for all these questions but nice to get news from you as you have just returned.

Thanks Len

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07 Mar 2009 6:34 PM by sarahlewis Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi Len

The hotel is due to open this summer. There was a lot of people working on it and I was told it should be ready on time.

I don't think the Spaniard will open this summer, I went in there for the owners meeting and all the furniture etc. has been removed, hopefully something will open in the spanish village for the summer.

I am sure the hotel will have some facilities as well.

Other than that the resort itself looked fine, just quite at the moment.


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09 Mar 2009 1:04 PM by harryandrews Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hi Shivyshivy,


the contact details for resort Management are as detailed in Sarah Lewis response.  always very helpful and worth you making contact with her. 


Good luck

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