N7 - Anyone charged for electricity/water yet?

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27 May 2009 12:00 AM by andypin Star rating in Dublin and Naranjos .... 78 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

Has anyone seen the connection fees go out of their accounts yet? My apartment is fully booked (by family so no money for me ) for the summer and I need to make sure I'm not cut off if there is a problem with them debiting my account. I have people out now and everything is working so I presume we're all still on the builders supply?

Can you also confirm that we should be receiving confirmed community fees from RPM before they take payment?






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27 May 2009 9:04 AM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Andy no sign of them yet so let's enjoy the water and electricity at Polaris expense !


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27 May 2009 1:10 PM by andypin Star rating in Dublin and Naranjos .... 78 forum posts Send private message

Great, thanks Dan. I'll put the light bulbs back in for my guests then!




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28 May 2009 4:51 PM by Waddle Star rating in Chesterfield & Los N.... 210 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Andy

We were out last week and enjoyed the builders supply of power and water

Polaris customer services asked if they could hang on to our key to install the relevant meters. They said they were just finishing off Jardines but I would think it will take them another couple of months or so to get round to Naranjos. Enjoy the summer !

Russ & Louise Salud !

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15 Jun 2009 11:38 AM by andypin Star rating in Dublin and Naranjos .... 78 forum posts Send private message

Don't suppose anyone on N7 has been debited yet with community fees?

I haven't received anything in writing from RPM that details when they will take back-dated fees and how much they will be. Should we receive confirmation first or do you think they will just debit our accounts?

Thanks again,




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15 Jun 2009 12:01 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Andy sounds like the have not got your bank details, email them on general@rpmspain.com and ask what is happening as you will only get hit with a larger bill later on.


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15 Jun 2009 12:34 PM by andypin Star rating in Dublin and Naranjos .... 78 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Dan, just mailed them.
I did receive a letter from RPM a while back detailing the fees, but this was before the meeting in May and it did state that they could change. I expected to receive some sort of confirmation from them, but I'm surprised they haven't contacted me if Polaris hadn't passed on my bank details.

Cheers, looking forward to July.......3 weeks in the sun and (hopefully) a bar 15 minutes walk away!





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15 Jun 2009 2:56 PM by andypin Star rating in Dublin and Naranjos .... 78 forum posts Send private message

ok, that's strange. They replied that they have already taken the first 3 months, but nothing's come out of my account.
Looks like I'd better confirm my account details again with them, someone's probably been debited with mine.




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