serous discussion for getting money back. No SARC or TWIGLET intervention please!

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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
03 Dec 2008 4:51 PM by FriendinNeed Star rating. 789 forum posts Send private message

Tiger, your are like the English rugby team. Can't score points even if you tried. Grrrrrowl to you.

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03 Dec 2008 5:54 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

Hi Tony

Thank you for pointing out what is good professional practice and sharing  the advice of not following rumour or myth (myth?  I think of the leviathon when i think of myth.....and SADM fits that description pretty well i think)

The last reports you delivered through the sarc site gave a delivery time for re-financing of a few fact imminent i think was mentioned in the last one.

it will be a dissapointment to the members that the time has come and gone for the promised re-financing...... (believe me it will keep coming and going for the leviathon in this climate) ...this information in the report would have been rumour and myth then would you are saying the sarc reports are unprofessional, by your own example.

It is always best to wait for the reports and the decisions.......always always...........and Sal says this could take up to three months.

Whats your rumour and myth about that information Tony , anything to add other than the obvious?


Best wishes, Brian


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