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Amarion Iii forum threads
The Comments
03 May 2007 11:04 AM by MikeB Star rating in Norwich. 40 forum posts Send private message

No nothing and I was in the office last week no mention, however it was quite sparse but at the time I did not put 2 and 2 together. To be fair they were useless at best anyway.

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03 May 2007 11:44 AM by misty Star rating. 107 forum posts Send private message

Hi Missy welcome to the mad house, all on this site  were quite sane not so long ago we have just been ground down by events,  may I inform you of our our house rules  that the latest newcomer buys the drinks first when we all get over there

 Kind Regards

Graham and Christine

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03 May 2007 11:52 AM by missy Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

ha ha...thanks for the welcome.....i think thats gonna be a lotta drinks...............barbara

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03 May 2007 1:10 PM by meeyee Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

Alacante closed what a shock  (not) dont want to say told you so but will!

Just got off phone to Malaga to be told that the files are between transit and may take a month to reach malaga from alicante?, we have insisted that we have our NIE numbers sent to england. another sign of major cock up. all they wanted to tell us is that the build will be completed in summer. who is trying to pull the wool over whose eyes?!

dont trust anyone has got to be the motto.

p.s what sort of quality is this build going to be completed and how long will the snagging take to complete took Amarion 1, one year to repair lift.

Sorry again for giving negative post.                           

                                                                               Grant & Karen (Essex) 

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03 May 2007 3:27 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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we all know that we have to pay upkeep on our building,  if snagging does accur or should i say when snagging accurs and its not sorted out we should all get together and put our moneys in a pot and sort the snagging problems out that way instead of paying the upkeep


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03 May 2007 4:57 PM by meeyee Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

Re snagging, I'm afraid with that approach on things we feel you are going to give the builder the opportunity to do a second class job and personally I think the approach should be we all pull together and demand a first rate job not pick up the tab.  This is the same attitude palmera properties have (having to deal with everything ourselves) and this is why we have been left in the dark.  We cannot let this project become second rate.  Otherwise, we might as well cut and run and invest in a property that has been built on time, correctly and properly and probably save money in the long run.



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03 May 2007 5:24 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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I Know were you are coming from but i have never heard of a building in spain that as never had a snagging problem

i hope they do do it right first time

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03 May 2007 9:25 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 403 forum posts Send private message

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thanks mikeb for the update,it does come over with more promise than we've had before.                      Hi missy  thanks for the offer of the drink you will definitely be having more than one back, my [not so good lady ]will make sure we all get back to our own apartments on that , I hope not so distant date . this news we have had off mikeb is very promising we've been going over time and time again this last two years in the hope of news like this at last something is about to happen.                                    chin up all you amanionairs.

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04 May 2007 8:50 AM by blacksmith Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

I agree with Grant,thebest thing to do, I feel, after the way we have been treated, is that nobody signs anything until the building is finished, this way there is an incentive for the builder to complete properly. I know we have all been waiting a long time, for some they need to get into the apartments, but the longer we can hang on the better I am sure it will be for all. If they finish in phases like they have said all along, then that means that workmen will still be on site, opening up the question of security .

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04 May 2007 1:32 PM by ciao Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

Hi all, just sharing  my reply from Laura with you (it only took a week and a day but hey a reply nevertheless!):

"As you know our company have been economical problems and Amarion III has been stoped during one year.
Now the things are going better and we are obtaining money because we are selling our plots and lands.
With this money the situation of the company is changing step by step. We are going to contract a new builder company that is going to finish the building but, but we haven't got still completion date. As soon as I have it I will contact with all the clients.

If you wish to cancel your contract it's your mind, but the return of the deposits will have a delay, as you could understand.
I need a letter signed by you regarding that you wish to cancel your contract.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any doubt."

Same old same old!

Enjoy the Bank holiday weekend everyone...

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04 May 2007 7:20 PM by harvey1 Star rating in Brierfield Lancs. 17 forum posts Send private message

I am new to this web-site and would like to know contact details of Laura at Almoradi office. Address and e-mail would be great.

Been reading about cancelling contract and getting money back. anyone with same ideas?

I personally like everyone else sick of waiting and want my money back if I have the chance.



Harvey Lee Nutter 11,Mayville Road Brierfield Nelson Lancashire BB9...

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05 May 2007 10:35 AM by misty Star rating. 107 forum posts Send private message

Welcome Harvey


If you scroll thro the messages you will find relevant contact info however it may not be the wisest move to cancel just yet as they will definatly not be in a position as things stand to repay you ,also if they do go under you will be a creditor in along line and and possibly the back.


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05 May 2007 11:07 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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Hello Harvey1

i wouldnt cancel if i was you like misty says you will be waiting for your money back and if you do cancel urbasa will sell your apartment to someone else and make more money which you should be making after waiting so long

i am sure they will get of there ass someday and get it finished   hopefully this summer

aparantly they have sold some land and got some money for the builders so they are suppose to be starting work soon   with any luck

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06 May 2007 12:16 PM by kerrie Star rating in Bristol. 41 forum posts Send private message

HI All

Welcome to new comers, has anyone got an email address for the office in Malaga, like some of you Isabella has our original NIE numbers but we have copies and sha has a lot of our documentation so would like to contact them to find out whats going on and where the papers are


Kerrie & Rob


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06 May 2007 8:31 PM by misty Star rating. 107 forum posts Send private message

Kerrie here you go the managers name is Jason



Kind Regards

Graham and Christine

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07 May 2007 9:14 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

philansy´s avatar

Hi all

just got a feeling that urbasa are going to say next it will be ready after winter 2008

i am thinking of opening a shop as a physic i am getting pretty good at these prodictions

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07 May 2007 11:21 AM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all just got back early hours. Were supposed to fly back thurs, but stayed on till Sunday. No work till tomorrow, so thought..why not stay in the sun!!!!

Welcome, to the newcomers glad to have you on board.

Went in to see Laura, she said there is realistically, still SIX MONTHS worth of work to do, that has changed from her telling us a couple of months work!! There is a lot of damage now though, the wind has ripped some of the ceilings on the inner walkways down and she said there has been some vandal damage. which we could see when we went in!  Nice pics Dave and Debs! Lovely to meet you both, sorry we couldn't go for a well earned beer or two! Our friends had been flat out helping us fetch and carry etc and just wanted to get laid out in that sun! We will have to have one big celebration when we get our keys ( Maybe invite the security guard !!!!)

Sorry about the six months news guys, but if they start now and really get going, we could still have our apts by the end of the year?

Cheers all John and Trish

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07 May 2007 11:30 AM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Kerrie and Rob, sorry meant to say, we just went in to Palmera and said we would like our documentation please, and they handed our NIE numbers etc over, no questions asked. If the Alicante office is closing, I would think it would be best for everyone to get their originals back and get independent solicitors etc. If Palmera dissapear?  We still deal with Urbasa dont we??

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09 May 2007 3:15 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

philansy´s avatar

as any body asked when the builders are supose to be starting work again

i have just rang the elche office and they have asked me to ring back in the morning as laura is only working in the mornings

i will ring her again tomorrow (thursday) does anybody want to know anything b4 i ring them

i am going to ring them at 10.00 am there time to see if there is any updates with the builders

cross all ya fingers and toes 

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09 May 2007 4:55 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

JPD´s avatar

Hi Phil, when we asked Laura when the builders would be starting, when we were in her office on 28th April. She could not give us a start date! All she said was that, the building had been checked for damage, and that the estimated work would take 6 months to complete and that it should still be finished this year.

Laura also said she recognised me, (Trish) so she knows we keep going in and asking the same questions. Next time I will wear a wig and sunglasses and not say 'oh I am sorry, I know its not your fault, BUT'. I know we need to keep on at them, but I think Laura is in the firing line and is fed a line to tell us all!

(I hope she hasn't been in Dave and Debs (Skinners) apt and seen the drawing on the wall.......and thats where she thinks she recognises me from.... thats not me folks.......it didn't have a drink in its hand!!!

John is back from hospital today after having his snoring sorted (hopefully) for the second time, he had his nose done, now his throat, bless him. So, something to look forward to when we are EVENTUALLY in our apts. you wont hear a big grizzly bear snore ringing through the apartments! Our friends could hear him, two floors below where he was sleeping!!!!

Regards all,

John and Trish x

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