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Steve and Norma's retirement jaunts in Spain, Ireland and the UK

Norma says I can never sit still! Since we retired about ten years ago, we've bought a lovely apartment in Nerja, Spain. We've also moved our permanent home to Roosky, Ireland where we also have a Cruiser boat on the River Shannon. Our plans are to spend our summers cruising the rivers of Ireland and our winters relaxing in our Spanish home. It doesn't always work out that way!

We welcome guests to our Spanish home!
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 @ 10:25 AM

All our friend and relatives are welcome to come and visit us here in Spain.

Here is the spare room. Just confirm dates with us.



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camposol said:
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 @ 12:57 PM

Arachnophobes not welcome
Seriously, with an invitation like that prepare to be overwhelmed!
You have my admiration, but you must be mad, running around guests in the heat, higher electricity and water bills, food cupboards emptied
A lot of work!
I prefer a more leisurely summer, without feeling I have to entertain and run around people.
If I don't want to eat, I don't- try telling that to hungry guests.
If i want to lay in late I will- try telling that to guests wanting tours of the area.
No, close family only for 2 weeks, then it's a list of local hotels and car hire to those keen to visit

stevemul said:
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 @ 1:26 PM

I was being sarcastic of course! I completely agree with you!
Guests are like fish - they go off after 2 days!

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