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Life in Spain through the eyes of a tourist

Spain is such a wonderful place but unfortunalty, I am not lucky enough to live there. I live in the UK. However, I love to travel and explore new areas and by far my favourite place is Spain. Read some of the things I have been up to and would recommend for outher tourists.

Travel gadgets that serve no purpose!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The idea that “less is more” is a tough one to follow when it comes to packing. How can you fit enough of your belongings in a single bag to last you six months or more? It’s probably no surprise that there have been hundreds of inventors that have tried to solve this problem, by using innovative ways to solve this. Unfortunately, what they have ended up doing is making you carry more useless travel gadgets in your bag, leaving less room for the clothes and essentials you actually need! Here are five of the worst offenders.

Travel iron

For most backpackers, waking up and ironing your clothes is probably the last thing you’re going to do. There is so much to be seen that you don’t want to waste your time chained to an ironing board. On the other hand, those are staying in anything ranging from a three star B&B to the best five star hotels, that find a socket in your room, you’ll probably find an iron. I’d also include a clothes steamer unnecessary too. Unless you plan on starting a business during your travels, meeting important people and wearing a suit every day, what harm will a crease here and there do?

The Rufus Roo Jacket

One of the ugliest of inventions is this jacket invented by businessman Andrew Gaule. After being losing money to the high extra baggage fees the airlines charged passengers for carrying an extra amount of luggage, Gaule invented the Rufus Roo jacket, complete with six massive pockets to carry your extra things in. However, it looks silly and you could end up carrying so much extra weight and walking so much slower that you will probably miss your flights anyway!

Wearable sleeping bag

Why anybody would need a sleeping bag they can walk in is beyond me. Apart from the fact you look like a crazy person, I really don’t see what problem this is trying to solve. It can’t really be used in the cold weather in replacement of a jacket because it’s awkward to manoeuvre in most decent sleeping bags are designed to keep you warm at night so there was no problem there. Also, what if you need the toilet in a hurry and there is nobody around to help unzip you?

Cotton shoe bags

These delightful lightweight bags were designed when some genius thought it would be a great way to protect your clothes from your dirty shoes. Despite the fact that these bags get so dirty themselves that you are left with extra washing, cotton isn’t waterproof! So if your shoes are slightly damp, your clothes are not protected in the slightest. Give me a good old plastic carrier bag any day. They’re free and they do the job perfectly!

Disposable underwear

Whoever thought of a type of underwear you can wear for a day and then toss in the bin must have been an incredibly wasteful being. Of all the things you will have that need washing; surely the underwear is the easiest to wash. Even if you buy cheap underwear and wear them until they need binning this is surely more environmentally friendly than throwing away a new pair every day. Also, they aren’t the most comfortable of things to wear so I know what I’d rather use.



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