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Ten million reasons to be generous in Spain
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 @ 12:21 PM

          A few days ago, I heard on TV, a very special story, saying that "A Spanish lady had left her inheritance to the children of her village". That gave me joy; but, at the same time, I felt pity, because they said that very few people attended her funeral ....; I found it very unfair.

      And, yesterday, I search this news, on Internet, and I found what a very famous Spanish newspaper said about, with this tittle: “She leaves 10 million in order that the children of her village can study but she dies abandoned”.

      Virginia Pérez Buendía was a simple and discreet woman. She was not in the habit to converse with the locals. She went up early, she took care of her animals and she engaged in farm work, her great passion. She spent long periods, in Valverde del Júcar, where she was born and where she inherited numerous lands, farms and other properties. She was the last descendant of a family of entrepreneurs flour. Her brother, Juan Perez Buendia, was devoted to politics, for a time. The neighbours of this small village, of about 1,200 inhabitants, that he helped her to write her will up, in 1983. It never was amended and now she bequeaths her entire patrimony to the people, in order that no child is left unstudied

Valverde del Júcar (Cuenca, South of Madrid, Spain)

The Flour mill of the family of Virginia

      Virginia never got married, she had no children, nor nephews, and, at  86 years old, she had no immediate family. She died in her apartment, on the street Marqués de Cubas, in the capital of Spain, in the most utter solitude. Nobody missed her, until a month later, when they found her body, after entering the house, by court order. Since then, the house is sealed and a court of Madrid investigates the causes of her death. It is believed that it was a massive heart attack.

         Despite the harsh and lonely last stage of her life, “Mrs. Virginia”, as well called her in the village, "she has shown she had a great heart", tells ABC, the Mayor of Valverde, Pedro Esteso, who acknowledges that it has been "a surprise" and he appreciates the great legacy that she  has left. She ordered that all her patrimony, too much money on fixed-term, outstanding of  quantify and shares on the Stock Exchange, which could add a total of several million pesetas, was dedicated to finance the studies of children, from families with fewer resources and with good academic record.

      Doña Virginia proposed the creation of a foundation with her name, directed by the ruler, the magistrate and the parish priest of the village. In a leaden winter evening of the hard winter in Cuenca, the parish priest, Arsenio Triguero, tells ABC that were not many people attended her funeral, held in early November of last year. Her remains rest in the family vault of the municipality. More massive was the reading of her will, the last Sunday, in January, at the House of Culture. There, the neighbors, who, during years, imagined that she would leave her fortune if a religious order or an animal shelter, met her last wishes, remember the parish priest, who notes that the end of her inheritance is "very laudable".

      The Foundation, which is about to become, should be further formed by five other people from five different unions. Specifically, a teacher, a farmer, a businessman, an employee and an industrialist of the village.

      The wording of the foundations, for future Foundation, provides arduous and complicated. In the village, there are a hundred children, in school. About eighty pursue their higher studies outside the municipality. "What criteria should they be used?, Must they have always lived in the village?, What minimum income to be fixed?", some “valverdeños” (neighbours from Valverde) wonder.

      The old woman established that the 85% of the income of the movable assets and the fixed capital  should be earmarked for the purposes of the Foundation, the 10% for funds, while the remaining 5%  for other expenses, provided that her assets could not be sold or disposed.

      The Mayor of Valverde, Pedro Esteso, claimed that "she was very own. She did not like to flaunt. She was in an old Land Rover. She wore on day. She does not stop to talk to the neighbors;  but she has shown a great heart. Sha has thought about the future of her village"

      For Joaquin, a neighbor of the village, "Gossip tell that she leaves 10 million euros. She did not spend a penny. She lead a life a little bit hermit".

      Well, I think that the people of this village must forgive to Virginia.

      Rest she in peace!.

      Until my next post, kind regards,


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