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Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 1131. Spain Land Registry and Cadastre harmonization
Saturday, April 12, 2014 @ 2:20 PM

The Council of Ministers , at the proposal of  Minister of Justice , Alberto Ruiz- Gallardón, and in coordination with the Ministry of Finance has approved the draft reform of Mortgage Act and Land Act to facilitate the secure exchange of data between the Land Registry and the Cadastre and to avoid contradictory and incomplete information about same property. 

 Coordination of existing information between the two is essential for better identification of properties and a better delivery of services to citizens and administrations. However, the regulatory dispersion and the lack of  a comprehensive and consistent data processing from each other cause today the opposite result: it is difficult to know when a registered property and cadastral plot are the same reality .

Simplifying/ coordinating---- good exercises within the Legal World

Have a great weekend


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