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Vivo en... Cheshire/Vera Playa, worked in Northamptonshire and I was born in Lancashire

Mi firma en el foro es...

The secret of happiness is contentment

kenshaz's latest forum comments

27 Jan 2011 12:00 AM:


We are flying into Alicante Airport for the first time and we need directions to Vera Playa 


It will be dark and we will need some help 

                       Kind Regards 


Thread: Directions from Alicante Airport to Vera Playa

05 Nov 2010 12:00 AM:

We have not flown with Easyjet for a while ,but since Ryanair left us stranded . We have decided to book with Eayjey ,however we have just booked flights and at the end of the confirmation they asked for pass-port detatils . We have not got our grand-daughter's to hand and it might need renwing before we fly . Does this information have to be done at the booking or can it be done any time before we fly.


We realise thartn we will need tyo check in online . Just worried about this API

Thread: Easyjet

18 Oct 2010 5:33 PM:


              Will try your suggestion.  We will also give our keyholders access to our post box here .

The sun is shining here and all is well in Thalassa.



Thread: Electricity problems

18 Oct 2010 11:35 AM:

Thanks Wow just did it . topped my 02 mobile up Easier than I thought . Sometimes desperate situations force you to act . Thats the positive side .

The benefits of this site .  Enjoy your day.


Thread: Topping up mobiles

18 Oct 2010 12:00 AM:

This is my story . Can you help?  We arrived at our apartment to find a letter from the electicity company stating that they intended to cut us off . We had belived that they had been taking the standing charge on direct debit ,but they had decided that they did not want to take our money . We immediately made a visit to the electricity company and they gave us a form that we took to the post office .

Then we went to the bank and told them that the money had not been going out .she filled a few forms in and we left .


Will that solve our problem for the future ? or do we need some-one who speaks Spanish to talk to the electiricty company and ensure that they take the money or will the bank have sorted that for us.? It just niggles in your head.

Also how do we get all our bills sent to the UK . not easy when your Spanish is not good.

All simple problems ,but here they seem so difficult.

We are here longer than we expected ,so this is the opportunity . Sorry about the rambling ,just talking my thoughts.

Thread: Electricity problems


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