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20 Oct 2012 6:11 AM:

 Well said bobaol!! I would add one "worst" after being here for 10 years:

Expats (sorry) who come to Spain to make money, provide second rate services and then dodge taxes - not even registering their business interests, they do not respect Spanish law, get away with as much as they can and do not see a need to learn Spanish. There is, more often than not, a much better and cheaper service available from the Spanish.

Thread: The Best & Worst of Spain

21 Apr 2012 10:44 AM:

 The small adaptors that you can buy in the ferreterias are only around a euro each, we have adaptors on most of our equipment and in the kitchen an adaptor in each socket.  It all works fine.

Thread: 3 pin (UK) plug sockets.

28 Feb 2012 12:00 AM:

 We have heard that you can reserve your vote at a Community AGM. Can anyone explain the use of this please? 

Why would one reserve a vote and how would one do it?

Thank you for any replies!!

Thread: Reserving one's vote at an AGM

17 Mar 2010 9:31 AM:

If you feel you can make a difference go for it. Be prepared however, here is my own personal experience and one I have gladly walked away from.  I wrote this for myself, to get relief and put it behind me if I can. It can be a very rewarding "job" and it depends on your personality how you respond to the challenges - because there will be plenty.

Being the President of an Urbanisation in Spain


So you have feelings of altruism, you have served voluntarily on other bodies and you think you can contribute. You enjoy improving your environment and the environment of others and you give of your time willingly and without pay. 


You stand for election and suddenly you are the person that is responsible for all the problems, the person everyone complains to, the person that doesn’t do things well enough. You have a very lonely job even if the administrator is excellent.


But how can it be lonely with all of these people around you? It’s simple, the majority are on holiday and they do not want to have to think about the rights and wrongs of events that take place. They prefer to come and enjoy themselves and they do not want to involve themselves unless they have something to complain about.


You eventually learn not to speak about what you feel passionate about. That’s boring and not acceptable. You are not fun any more. Putting your responsibilities aside is impossible. Nobody wants to know you, the person, they want to know the president.


If you are thinking of taking this mantle think again. 


In an urbanisation of around 200 apartments there are likely to be about 10 people who are supportive to the extent they tell you if they approve of what you have done or have supportive ideas that are offered in the spirit of helping. Around another 30 who will support without too much thought as long as all is well. Then the critics, around 5. The rest are not really concerned too much about the community and take no part.


The 5 dominate your life. They try to influence your decision making, try to impose their own view regardless of the majority, want to be in charge but do not want the work and if they want the work one asks the question why, especially if they have a business already and even more especially if they have a business interest within the community.


To run a community, with the powers of a president in Spain, and at the same time run a business which depends on that same community, would take a very exceptional person indeed to be done in an open and honest way, above reproach. Human nature being what it is the decision making will inevitably be influenced by one’s own clients needs. Who do you put first when your living depends on it? 


The most unpleasant type is the owner who does not live in the community but wants a position of power. He knows everything and is not slow to say so. He knows the law and uses it and bends it to his desires. He has his own truth and is not slow to tell his own truth. He remembers things the way he believes he heard them without questioning his own recollection or the minutes or other people. This is the person who does not ask questions first but attacks with full force knowing that he and only he is right. He is not economical with words, is insulting, rude, offensive, defamatory in his comments and does not hesitate to send them to as many people as possible. However, if you should once step out of line and say how you feel yourself you will receive a lawyers letter by the next post.


Then there is the promoter’s family and friends. If you are unfortunate enough to have them as owners then you can expect a fight on your hands if there are problems within the urbanisation that are clearly the fault of the promoter. Various devious means will be used to ensure they do not have to answer in court for their immoral behaviour. Their refusal to accept responsibility for what is clearly their fault. Their readiness to blame everyone but themselves. 


Some owners appear to be friends and then turn and bite you. They decide it is more in  their interests to be seen to be supportive of the opposition. They are moaners and groaners and will listen to the “popular” accusations without questioning whether they might be true or not.


The silent majority are for the most part just that - silent. Many never visit and rely on reports and newsletters to know what is going on. 


The good side is the real friends one makes and the support from good decent people. However, the balance is a delicate one and I do not know of a president who left the position without a sigh of relief! 

Thread: President


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