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23 Oct 2012 11:42 PM:

Yep, I count myself lucky to have escaped for so long... I certainly would have done it before if I'd known the severity of the penalty and just how much I was trusting to luck! I do however wish that the authorities would make this information easily available and in the appropriate language for the person concerned - for example by notifying you when you apply for residencia. That way they would ensure many more people comply with the current law... which presumably is their goal; unless of course they'd just rather have the cash...

I just found a useful post about the actual procedure for people who live in Lanzarote. My account is not yet approved, so I can't insert a proper link; however going to lanzaroteinformation[dot]com and searching for "how to renew your driving licence spain" should locate the article.

Thanks very much for your help.


Thread: British driving licence and Residence in Spain

23 Oct 2012 10:43 PM:

It sounds like I should really consider myself lucky for having got away with this for the 14 years I've been a resident in Spain!

I'll just pay and change my licence - lesson learnt.

I hope this sorry tale will prompt anyone else in my position to change their licence asap, at least that way some good may have come of it.



Thread: British driving licence and Residence in Spain

23 Oct 2012 9:51 PM:

Hi robertt8696,

Thanks for your reply. You are correct in that it is one of the mostly pink licences, I guess what irks me is that if this licence was perfectly ok to use (for up to 2 years I think, or maybe 6 months, depending on who you listen to), then you'd assume it should still perform its purpose - namely to prove that I've passed a driving test in a European country - after this period. Otherwise, why should it be valid for use outside the UK in the first place? I've used this 'non EU recognised licence' to hire cars in several European countries.

Lastly, i do not think you have any defence for the offence, as you have produced a non EU recognised licence which means you are guilty, although it is a UK valid licence, this does not mean its valid EU wide. Unfortunately its a case of swallow hard and pay at the earliest opportunity...............Then update your licence.......

I suspect you're right, I'll just have to pay and change my licence. It does seem an unduly harsh penalty though, lumping me in with people who commit offences which could actually endanger other people's lives.


Thread: British driving licence and Residence in Spain

23 Oct 2012 7:01 PM:

"aly is right, you are perfectly entitled to drive around as a resident with your UK licence.  I changed mine recently to a Spanish one only because the photocard part of it had expired."

Well, I was stopped by the local police in Teguise, Lanzarote last Sunday for going up a road they had closed off - fair enough, I was in the wrong and was happy to admit it, but there were extenuating circumstances, and he let me off in the end. BUT when he saw my UK licence (one of the old paper ones, valid til my 70th birthday), and noted that it didn't have whatever stamp you're supposed to have on it from tráfico - he fined me for that instead. I would much rather have paid the 80 euro fine for going up the wrong road than the 500 euros I've been fined for the licence issue!

Ok, so I only (only!) have to pay 250 if I pay within 20 days, but even so it seems an outrageously high amount for what at the end of the day cannot be considered a serious offence in any reasonable person's eyes. It's the same fine you'd get for driving 150kmh in an 80kmh zone, is what I've done on a par with that?

I never bothered to change my licence or get it stamped by tráfico for the simple reason that everyone I asked, including a Guardia Civil officer, said technically it could be a problem, but no one bothered enforcing it. As is very often the way here, so I've learnt to my cost, there is a morass of conflicting information, and even those whose job it is to know such things often don't.

If anyone has been fined for this 'offence' and has successfully fought it, I'd love to know!


This message was last edited by beroo on 23/10/2012.
Thread: British driving licence and Residence in Spain


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