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Legally avoiding tax in Spain, see http://spain-portugal-taxes.blogspot.com

RioMino's latest forum comments

08 Oct 2017 3:49 PM:

I think British expats around the world but especially in the EU, and particularly in Spain need to sign this one;


It is to remove the discrimination exercised by the FCO as to which Brits abroad get Consular Assistance and who do not. It was a subject once supported by then Justice Secretary Jack Straw over a case in Portugal.

The problem is, FCO Consular help is discretionary, not statutory. OK if you are well connected, not if you are just an average Joe.


Page 4, quote; "Generally, there is no legal right to consular assistance. All assistance provided is at our discretion."

And because the FCO are a quasi government body not directly funded by the UK government, you can not even sue them for discrimination. And there have been some horror stories.

It is not about the FCO being your lawyers, it is about a) ensuring you have a lawyer / are given your basic civil / human rights and b) the extent to which the government should help all Brits equally, not just a lucky few.

And it is important now, as the UK government has vowed to protect British expats rights post-Brexit. Well, unless your rights with your own government are quantified and guaranteed, guess what? You have no rights to protect!

The petition costs nothing to sign, you do not go on any register except for the purpose of validating the petition, you are not spammed afterwards by the goverment (you just receive the outcome of the petition) and your name does not appear anywhere (there are no adverse consequences).


Thread: A UK Government Petition for protecting British expats and travellers

29 Oct 2015 8:10 AM:

We like Istanbul (the Kadikoy area to be precise), and there are low cost direct flights with Turkish Airways from both Porto and Lisbon. The options from our local Spanish airports are multiple stops and more expensive.


Thread: Don't forget to check French and Portuguese airports if you live near them.

27 Oct 2015 2:56 PM:

theline "You shouldn't be boasting about this in a public forum, and encouraging others to do the same (especially as you appear to be unaware of the full law)." And you are an expert??!! PS I am not boasting, I am trying to help others who are thinking of moving to Spain to lawfully avoid paying taxes they do not need to. I would be the first to recommend that they consult with a tax lawyer, preferably an International one, before they committ to anything.

But, theline, here it is; another unhappy expat living in the wrong area / who did not do their research. Again, please read; WHAT WE DO IS 100% LEGAL AND WE TOOK PROFESSIONAL TAX ADVICE AND WE DECLARE OUR EARNINGS AS REQUIRED BY LAW. Sorry you could not be bothered to read what I said. But I am glad that you are paying more tax then you need to. And please report me to whoever you want; I declare taxes in both Portugal and Spain and their tax authorities concur what I do is 100% lawful. cheeky

This message was last edited by RioMino on 27/10/2015.
Thread: Some advice on where to move to in Spain (tax avoidance and much more)

27 Oct 2015 2:53 PM:

Tadd1966 This forum section is for people considering moving to Spain. You are already in Spain.

Also, I recommend that you get your advice from a tax attorney (as we did) before you give it out. Yes, it describes the methodology in days, BUT it is actually determined by nights, or actually where you are at Midnight (which is funky, because if I drive across from Portugal to Spain at 11:01 to 11:59 Portuguese time, I am not in either country at midnight in either because Spain is one hour ahead). But anyway, I do not need to do that!

I can not post links on this forum for some reason, but if you look at the taxation co uk website, I think the section called it-s-small-world covers most of it. It is based on a points system and I can assure you that we have just slightly more points for Portuguese tax residency than we do for Spanish tax residency, so we are tax resident in Portugal. We have residency in Spain as we are legally obliged to, as we spend more than 90 days (nights) there. And we have residency in Portugal. Anyway, both the Spanish and Portuguese tax authorities agree with us, sorry that you do not!

** EDITED - Against forum rules **


Thread: Some advice on where to move to in Spain (tax avoidance and much more)

27 Oct 2015 2:21 PM:

BTW Tax Avoidance

I do not know why so many people have an issue with tax avoidance; it is legal and perfectly moral! When you cross the English Channel to stock up with French wine, etc, this is tax avoidance. When you apply for Tax Credits in the UK, this is tax avoidance. When you claim your tax allowances in Spain, this is tax tax avoidance. When you buy fresh foods (lowest rate of IVA) and cook them yourselves so that you do not pay the highest IVA rate for preprepared foods, this is tax avoidance. It should not have a negative effect on people, only the term "Tax Evasion" should.

I understand expats already in Spain may not appreciate that others are enjoying legitimate tax avoidance measures that they can not, but that does not make what I and others do unlawful or immoral. And, anyway, again; this forum section is for helping people who are considering moving to Spain, which my post certainly does!

Thread: Some advice on where to move to in Spain (tax avoidance and much more)


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