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15 Feb 2016 9:40 AM:

Many thanks. I will try that as it caused one respondent to have a hissy fit because I didn't, and that I used the word casa when u am English. Good iPad tip - I am getting old!

Thread: Water supply to rural house

14 Feb 2016 7:53 PM:

My architect and apparently the town hall. The plumber thinks they are mad!

Thread: Water supply to rural house

14 Feb 2016 4:17 AM:

Many thanks. I have no worries re the irrigation water and use for showering etc. But I am being told that I need potable water for showering, toilet use etc. This seems unusual and I wondered if anyone else had been required to do this or am I the only one. It seems a waste and expense to use delivered water to flush the toilet for example.

Thread: Water supply to rural house

13 Feb 2016 8:48 PM:

Many thanks. Using my iPad at mo so difficult but yes I did mean that.


i am told that reverse osmosis is fine except for bacteriological problems. Even so my issue is I need potable water for the loo, shower, washing machine etc. 

Thread: Water supply to rural house

13 Feb 2016 10:57 AM:

Hi everyone- new to your site.

We have a casa in the country in  Canada in the Valencia region which does not have mains water and which is now due to be for completion with the local town hall.

I have had irrigation water supplied to my casa for some time. I was originally told by our architect that an osmosis system would be suitable for drinking water which i understand it is not.

i was later told that I required potable water for drinking which would likely be bottled or tank delivered if required.

I am now told that I need potable water for all water systems in the house including washing, toilet etc and I am having real difficulty finding out why. The irrigation water is filtered and suitable for washing and has been used as such for some time. I can't find anyone else who has to do this, but my plumber is intimating that it is the architect and his plans rather than the local ayuntamiento.

Any ideas on the reasoning and cost of a full blown water system for the house? All internal pipe work fitted.



Thread: Water supply to rural house


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