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Soy... una mujer

Vivo en... Ireland

Me gusta... Motocross, Horses, Travelling

Trabajo de... IT Manager

Mi firma en el foro es...

Jean Mx

Jeanmx's latest forum comments

09 Jun 2009 12:59 PM:

I wonder if there are any clubs that run events in the south of Spain?  Wheres Barragan from? ;-)

Thread: Motocross

08 Jun 2009 4:15 PM:

No i didnt find or continue to try to find any tracks as there has been a hold up in our moving to spain, I know Stefan Everts runs a school in spain but is miles away in north of Valencia , i tried to put link in this post but i wasnt allowed to post it, just google everts training schools and it will come up for you.  I'm sure there are plenty tracks its just a matter of finding them, if you do find any please let me know.



Thread: Motocross

26 May 2008 12:00 AM:


Does anyone know of any motocross tracks/websites re same in the Costa del Sol please?  I know they're are some as Everts trains there, need official tracks with marshals etc.



Thread: Motocross


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