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18 Nov 2017 8:55 PM by sue77 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hi All,

I'm new to this forum and i am hoping to either purchase a property next year or take a long term rent. I'm a real novice and would appreciate any advice available. The area i am interested in is Villaricos, Vera and Garrucha, not having yet visited these towns (going out February 2018) would welcome info from ex pats that have moved to these areas already.




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19 Nov 2017 12:16 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1946 posts Send private message

It would be wise ..if you rented first especially if you have not lived in a area that you fancy... Although these small villages /towns can look idyllic ...when you are looking a pictures on the Internet ...they are not for everyone if you really want to pursue your dream and fit in ..then I would strongly suggests you learn Spanish.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 19/11/2017.

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