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28 May 2007 12:00 AM by MR S Star rating in Stockport. 7 forum posts Send private message

This is the first time we have posted a message.We have looked at the message board each day but did not feel we had anything to add. We have bought on phase 2 at El Trampolin and also on Trampolin Hills Golf. Like lots of others we have gone through all sorts of emotions during the roller coaster ride of buying for the first time in Spain.We did not enter into our purchaces with rose tinted glasses but it has certainly been an experience. What we have been suprised at is the numerouse messages of negativety and doom and gloom from certain parties, how refreshing it has been when reading positive optomistic messages.Buying in a foreign country was never going to be plain sailing but we shouldn't lose sight of what the end benifits are, both life enhancing and financial.We have friends who have encountered much worse problems during their purchasers from other developers and non who have the build quality offered by Grupo Trampolin.  Having just come back from Spain where we visited El Trampolin on several occasions and spoke to other purchasers,our Agents and Solicitors we have been informed that habitation licences should now be issued for phases 2 & 3 in approx 2 weeks and phase 1 in a month(the later being later due to the number of design changes made to the properties on the initial phase.The site is looking superb especialy phase 1 where the infastructure and communal areas have been brought up to adoptable standards.The commercial centre also looks good and is in keeping with the bungalows.We understand units have already been let and will include a supermarket.bar and resaurant                         

With regards to Trampolin Hills we unerstand the Urbanistic Plan has received provisional approval by the Town Hall of Campos del Rio and that the scheme is being reviewed by the Murcian Government to see that it matches the environment.We have been warned the elections to the Town Hall and Government may cause delays but have been assured Trampolins Lawyer is doing everything possible to speed up the process by visiting the respective offices of the Government twice weekly.At least there is now increased activity on site. 



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31 May 2007 6:08 PM by Cormona Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message

Cormona´s avatar
Everything you said is correct and a bit of positivity is good,what people object to is the type of style the builder works to by promising you can use your villa if you gave 50% of the value of the property and then he cuts off the services to demand more money...bully/cowboy tactics. 

Four leaf Clover..

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