Thinking of buying on HDA

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09 Feb 2013 7:06 PM by Spangled Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,
Just after some advice as we are looking at buying in murcia, we particularly like the look of hda as you appear to get fantastic villas for the price, however we are little apprehensive due to certain things posted on various forums. We realise things can't be perfect at these prices but trying to gauge the severity of some of the issues so wondered what people who know the area better than us thought about....
1. Corvera flight path, we understand that hda is only 3 miles away and in the path, has anyone witnessed how bad this is?
2. Maintenance- is the upkeep of the resort and community areas started to drop off due to lack of income/community income issues?
3.flies - how bad are they is there anything been done - I stayed on la torre once when it first opened and they were shockingly bad, the problem did ease over the years though.
4. Empty properties, there seems to be a very large number for sale, does someone know something we don't?
Any information will be gratefully received and any of the above is not meant to insult were just trying to get a feel if the resort could go a similar way to mosa trajectum.
Many thanks

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10 Feb 2013 12:49 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

I can start out by saying that the general build quality and legality of the villas on HDA is very good, considering the original pricing they seem to represent good value but it really is about why you are looking to buy, investment or own use

With the airport, which we understand has again been delayed,  will have an impact on the local resorts, both good and bad. There will be some background noise but really until the first planes fly it is difficult to see the real impact. The planes cannot fly over Corvera because of the mountain range and they have to turn on departure and approach to avoid Alcantarilla, , on whet appears to show on the recently submitted flight plans, over HDA, but again until there are jet flights it is impossible to tell

The resort, like most of the other local resorts has money problems, for the properties around the village that recently didn't sell well and I believe that the bank have now taken them back, again you need to perhaps make contact with the resort Administrators before you buy anything

I go onsite fairly regularly and have not really noticed any major impact on the community areas, security is still there, the streets were clean and gardens maintained at present

Finally the flies, I live on Corvera and in this area yes we do suffer and the spraying tends to be more for the mozis but the solution here that works well are the pot type fly traps


Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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10 Feb 2013 9:18 PM by Ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

The villas on HDA are in my opinon the best in the area. The resort is immaculate and although we paid full price in 2004 we do not regret it. If we could afford it we would buy some more as they are practically being given away at the moment due to the world downturn and property price all over Spain and the Canaries is at rock bottom.

The Airport is an asset to HDA and the proposed Paramount Park.

HDA  had the Airport as a selling point and knew all about it when they first planned the resort.

If you look at the other resorts in the area you will be able to make up your own mind and you will see the difference.

The flies in the area which appear in the Spring are contolled by spraying from the air and the resort has fly traps all around the resort.

La Manga club where our friends live has the same problem as does most of Spain.

The empty properties are due to people not being able to afford the mortgages and had to give them up when the world downturn 




This message was last edited by Ricky09 on 10/02/2013.

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12 Feb 2013 3:56 PM by tomstevenson Star rating in Murcia Spain. 52 forum posts Send private message

  Hi Spangled,

I would agree with what Ricky has said, I live and work on the resort and the quality and maintenance compares more than favourably with other resorts in the area.

I did witness the test flights being carried out and although they did pass over the resort they were at a reasonable height and it is not anticipated that the noise will be any more than background.

If you are unsure them why not come and stay at the resort and see it for yourself I'm sure you wont be dissapointed.

Inspection visits can be arranged for interested parties.





Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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12 Feb 2013 9:51 PM by Spangled Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for the advice all really appreciated, I'm out there next week so will be having a good look around. Roy do you know how I contact the resort administrators?


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