Why so cheap, will airport affect resort

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Hacienda del Alamo forum threads
The Comments
18 Apr 2012 1:08 PM by aramo Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

 Hi we are seriously thinking about buying a villa on the community, however I am a little concerned.  To me  HDA villas leave the likes of the Polaris resorts and Peralejo golf standing, HDA villas are substantial with good size pools, but i do feel as if you are getting more for your money than on other resorts.  When I contacted a Murica estate agent and mentioned the names of resorts I was interested in, she hinted that HDA may be affected by the new airport,  this had me thinking that maybe people are selling up to get out and reinvest in other resorts.  Could somebody please shine a light on this for me.

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18 Apr 2012 1:43 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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You need to look vary carefully at the flight plans that have already been submitted to the town hall via a legal person as it appears to show the aircraft climbing and banking left, away from the mountains, towards the resort, but what is unckear is the height at which they will pass over

I admit that the villas are beautiful, well constructed and very good value for money, the course is in great order and commercially it continues to develop

It also depends why you are buying whichshould be considered, investment, rental or main use

You my also want to look at the pricing for some of the villas on Corvera Golf which again  are good value with some front line golf plots

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant www.sonrisaproperties.com www.snaggingspain.com WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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18 Apr 2012 1:50 PM by aramo Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

 Hi ROY,

Thank-you for the reply, much appreciated. We want to buy for a holiday home for our own use, (4 young kids and Florida flights are becoming a nightmare) I will look at Corvera Golf as I have not even considered them.  I do Love HDA and also El Valle (though frontline golf are out of our budget there). We are also still considering Peralejo, (hubby likes them) I feel their are just divided up boxes. Need to keep looking.  Will look at corvera propoerties now.





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18 Apr 2012 1:51 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Have sent you a PM


This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 18/04/2012.

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant www.sonrisaproperties.com www.snaggingspain.com WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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18 Apr 2012 7:28 PM by Ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message


Hacienda is by far the best Resort in the area in every way. Hda knew about the Airport in 2002 before they started building and we on Resort cant wait for the Airport to open,and we think it will be an asset..

Have never heard of anyone selling up because of the Airport in fact quite the reverse.A friend of ours has just bought a villa because it .

The villas are cheap as are all in Europe because of the downturn and people who bought simply couldn't afford their mortgages and had to let them go with deep regret.

Now is the time to buy and If we could afford it we would buy some up.

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18 Apr 2012 10:14 PM by nuckles Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

I agree with Ricky
HDA is the best resort around and now is the time to buy
We looked around numerous resorts including Corvera , El Valle etc and none compare ....paralejo in my opinion is a loss leader
Once the Spanish village and hotel is buzzing it will be even more inviting
We have 2 children aged 8 and 11 and they love it
Hope you make the right choice for you aramo but HDA for me !!

Roy I read with interest your comments about Tom and his post on the corvera forum ..... Are you not doing the same on the HDA forum ??

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19 Apr 2012 1:23 AM by Hyacinth Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message


I spoke with my brother who is an airline pilot at some length re any possible noise pollution if flights were to be directly over HDA.

His view after looking on google earth was that on Landing approach, the aircraft would be on minimum throttle openings at the point that it was in the vincinity of HDA, and on take off should have attained sufficient hight and would be coming off the throttles so noise should not be a major issue.

However he did make the point that it Corvera resort could be quite badly affected by noise on landing and take off as the pilot would be using reverse thrust on landing and a maximum throttle opening on take off. If wind was from any southerly direction it could be quite unpleasent!

Other points to consider are the horrendus amount of burglaries on Corvera Golf and Country club, Uncertainty re the new owners of the resort and licencing problems and condition of the golf course.

Good luck with your search for a suitable property in the Murcia area.


This message was last edited by Hyacinth on 19/04/2012.

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19 Apr 2012 9:05 AM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Actually I agree with the comments on the noise on take-off and landing, as we would describe it the background rumble but as there is only 1.4km difference between the 2 resorts from the threshold of the runway to the accommodation, based of course as the crow flies, it will effect both resorts
In around 4 weeks the test fight should start so we will all know a lot more but Hyacinth it would be really useful if your brother could take a look at the actual flight plans lodged at the Town Hall as I did which is why I made the point about the height at that time
Moving on there is a real big problem in Spain regarding break ins and I am certain that people with local knowledge will also know about the break in El Valle, Peralajec, United Golf, Mosa and of course the 8 at Terrazes De La Torre, and I believe that there were some in HDA this week, people targeting properties that people were staying in, yes somebody is watching for arrivals
The feedback so far about the new owners on Corvera is very positive with somebody willing to invest their own personal money into the resort to push on the clubhose, SPA and course but nobody will deny they need work but the owners have been very happy with 2 years free golf so far, and by the way the course isn't in bad condition, come over and have a look
Nuckles ,not sure what you are on about as the advice that I have given is based on my unique position of via my snagging company having checked the specification and build quality of the properties on all of these sites and offering a professional opinion on a number of resorts, and I never post under multiple aliases and Tom doesn't either now.
One of my first questions was why are you buying own use or rental investment because we all know hiw tough it is to get rentals at the moment
HDA is a great resort, I eat regularly in the clubhouse, especially the Sunday buffet, I send clients to play golf there, the course is in brilliant condiition, better than Corvera,  the coaching staff are good, the greens are lightning and the build quality of the properties is very good.
Sometimes people having a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing and what would help is if more peple filled in their profiles, even just information on where they lived as it is always easier to post anonmously rather than posts from people that live and work here that often have real local knowledge


This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 19/04/2012.

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant www.sonrisaproperties.com www.snaggingspain.com WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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19 Apr 2012 3:00 PM by nuckles Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message


Firstly please can you clarify to whom you refer with your  " little knowledge " comment.

I am an owner on HDA and have no business interest in pushing HDA or punishing other resorts for my own gain ................



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19 Apr 2012 4:08 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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I would hope that people would agree that there is a hugh difference between somebody that actually lives in an area that vistis these sights on a daily basis and actually gets to talk to the security people, Police, airport managers etc and possibly they are better informed , and who actually gets his information from the horses mouth

Specifically on the airport for example people have posted that the runway is too short, not wide enough and even that it cracked up after the first plane landed a of which were untrue. Why do I know this, because I am in regular communications with a member of the new ATC team, which is why I also know about the flight paths

2 years ago, on this forum,  I was advsising people that they would close San Javier airport as the military staff wanted it back and was shouted down, why because even then my reliable sources were telling me that this would happen

One thing I always I hope do it provide balanced posts looking at all sides and giving indpendant advice, for example the article that I recently published on here regarding additional common sense security measeure, which after some break ins another property management company have copied and sent to all of their clients as an advice piece

Do I benefit from being active on this forum, absolutely I do, never hidden that fact

The comments regarding a little knowledge not directed at anybody specifically however I have been in business Spain for more than 8 years now, have contributed a great deal to this and other forums and the one big thing that I have never done is hidden my true identity

Nuckles in your  case I could not understand your comments, and having read my response again, I still cannot understand your c omments, this is not the HDA forum it is a thread o  a public forum than anybody can read and contribute to. What Corvera owners have done is created a PRIVATE owners forum which works very well but these were your comments

Roy I read with interest your comments about Tom and his post on the corvera forum ..... Are you not doing the same on the HDA forum ??

Hyacinth you obviously don't know anything about the break ins on HDA and the fact that the owners play Corvera for free, so why would they maintain it in tip top condition, howvever I did a quick calculation on 2 residents who play golf 5-6 times a week and own their own golf buggies and based on €40 a round they have saved close to €13k Euro this year in greens fees

Perhaps with these real example you can see why I would say a littel knowledge is a dengerous thing


Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant www.sonrisaproperties.com www.snaggingspain.com WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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21 Apr 2012 12:25 AM by Ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

Does anyone have any news on the break ins.Are they during the day or at night.

We are going over soon and always lock the shutters and the windows which are double glazed also have a burglar alarm.

We always have a hire car and take the stickers off.

Be grateful for any advice..



This message was last edited by Ricky09 on 21/04/2012.

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21 Apr 2012 8:58 AM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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Certainly one was on the day they arrived when they went out for dinner so between 8pm - 11pm and the rest I believe were during the night, not day time

Everything that you are doing is sensible, and all of would add is when you go to bed that you don't leave things ike wallets, keys, cameras, or computers in open display in the lounge or hallway, put then away in the bedroom, same when you go out

One other good deterent id the installation of PIR type lights around the property, the type that come on if anybody approaches the property, these need to be hight enough so that they cannot be easily removed

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant www.sonrisaproperties.com www.snaggingspain.com WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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21 Apr 2012 11:26 AM by tomstevenson Star rating in Murcia Spain. 52 forum posts Send private message

  Hi All,


After speaking to the Managing Director of Corvera Airport (or Region of Murcia International Airport as it will be known) on Tuesday of last week I can confirm that the test flights will be taking place next week.

So keep your eyes peeled, cameras at the ready and no reporting UFOs in the area...


Tom. Murcia Villas +34 658 260 500 +44 7515 376 358

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21 Apr 2012 4:14 PM by Ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

21 Apr 2012 4:16 PM by Ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

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Covera Airport Opening - 2 posts
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