More thefts again - beware!

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07 Oct 2009 12:00 AM by dvpegg Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

Just a quick note to let the community know that the threat of theft has not completely disappeared. Last Saturday (Oct 3rd between 12.15 and 15.00) when the market in Fortuna is on......., most of my clothes were stolen from our washing line. We live on the Calle Mercurio and our garden faces out of the estate to the east. Only the high quality items were taken including a pair of black work trousers. My wife's clothes were not touched. One item to look out for is a very distinctive T-Shirt that we had just bought two weeks ago in Junuea, Alaska. It is a black T-shirt with an eagles head and two american flags either side with Juneau, Alsaka printed underneath. As I seem to be referred to as Big Dave by people who know me on Las Kalendas, the other giveaway is the size of the clothes - trousers 40 inch waist and the T-Shirt was a xxxl. Anybody who spots anything - especially the T-Shirt - I would love to hear about it.

In the meantime, keep an eye out as far as gardens and belongings are concerned.



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07 Oct 2009 9:24 PM by ruud pellegrom Star rating in Hoorn, Holland . 22 forum posts Send private message

ruud pellegrom´s avatar

In the last week of August we had a visitor too when we were not at home. It was a young woman and she walked away after my neighbours saw and followed her. She took nothing and our house was locked but within three days we installed an alarmunit in our house.

XXXL Dave? 

Is everybody insured for this kind of incidents?  



This message was last edited by ruud pellegrom on 07/10/2009.

This message was last edited by ruud pellegrom on 11/10/2009.

Saludar, Paula & Ruud Pellegrom

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