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Altos de Campoamor forum threads
The Comments
26 Dec 2006 12:00 AM by Minzo Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message


I got involved in this mess over year ago. I live in Spain and like everyone I have heard lots of varying rumours. Last month I received a letter from Travensa apologising for the delay and that they hoped to restart the building in Late November. My sister-in-law spoke to Sonia in Travensa and building started again during the first week December, so there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. They also intend to set up an office on-site to clear up problems.

Can anyone confirm these details,as I haven't been able to get to Campoamor to have a look?


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03 Jan 2007 3:29 PM by joechristie Star rating in Bacup, Lancashire & .... 64 forum posts Send private message

joechristie´s avatar


We were in Campoamor over Christmas and watched the builders erect a new security fence around the unfinished blocks. They also took delivery of bathroom fittings for block 10.  The footings for the crane are also in place.

 Not much else happened but it was Christmas.


Happy New Year

Joe & Kathie

Kathie & Joe

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23 Jan 2007 7:03 PM by bacardi Star rating in Bournemouth. 43 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Happy new year to all, if it can be happy in spain at all.

I am going to spain tommorow, (wed), for 4 days and i will report back with some pictures.

I have also heard bits from the solicitors about the habitation certificate. But don't get too excited.

Darren Day

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25 Jan 2007 1:35 PM by lyn2 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Today I had confirmation from our solicitor that there is NO Hab Cert, this has been confirmed by the Town Hall we are just waiting for it to be confirmed in writing from them!!



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29 Jan 2007 9:34 PM by bacardi Star rating in Bournemouth. 43 forum posts Send private message

Hi All, I have returned from Spain on Saturday, the weather has been terrible, thunder, hail, rain and winds like monsoons, never seen weather like it.

Anyway, I am a little more happier now than I was, unfortunately no pictures to show. Builders have been there all the time we were in the apartment. Even deliveries in the pouring rain on Saturday Morning!

They are working like billio now to get block 10 finished apparently, ramiro's daughter is there on sight alot.

There were even people walking around block 11 and building materials are on some floors of block 11.

I have visited Karen, while I was there, we were talking about the certificate of habitation. We were saying that we think the certificate is not that important at the moment.

Our title deeds have not been signed yet and will likely be signed when all have completed. Once deeds have been signed the bills for individual apartments will be set up. The good thing is we will be on builders supply until then.

We have also noticed that the water pipe supplying us in block 9 has now been split into 3 , for us, 10 and 11.

The fences are all around the site now and it looks a little tidier. I think there may be a little light at the end of the tunnel,  I know it has been a long time, but hold on in there.

Am I right in saying that Lyn, Tommy, Simon & Liz, you are all off this weekend to spain. Have a good time, did mention to Karen that I thought you were coming over.

Little message to Joe & Kathie, sorry we have never met, and i feel a bit rude in asking but are you in the future renting out your apartment as I think you may have met Karen and she said that she thinks you may be. If not, I apologies and hope to meet you when we are over in spain.

We are back in spain on 19th Feb for 5 days

Cheers for now all

Darren & Jane Apartment 2B (Block 9) 

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30 Jan 2007 10:39 AM by lizpryce Star rating. 34 forum posts Send private message

Hi Darren,

great to see your post. We noticed the renewed  activity in late December and we saw the builder take the spurs from the one and only hose! They seemed to be using the water to do building work. Thanks for the update.

Yes we are out for the weekend this Saturday and will meet up with Lyn and Tommy for food/drinkies, and thankfully, the weather is due to settle and be nice. It sound like you were very unlucky. When we eventually get our place, we want to let it out for part of the time so keep this in mind for your friends or relatives.

I will post next week with an update after we get back.

Take care all.

Liz & Simon

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31 Jan 2007 12:49 PM by Cherry Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

Re: Deed of First Habitation - heard from my mortgage broker that the developers have said that this will take another 2 to 3 months..................


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