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Residencial Agua Nueva forum threads
The Comments
12 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by pooks Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

All those with an interest in property at this site need to come together and unite against the town hall and any other authority who need to be made to listen to us. The more pressure we apply to them as a group with a common cause the more likely we are to get resolution. Our legal advisors can only do so much as individual representatives but if we all pull together we can achieve so much more. Wouldn't it be great if we had a real voice in how the development ends up. Why not? it's our money that's being sunk into it! Could we close it off to secure it. To employ our own gardener for the communal areas. To decide how the finished look will be with regard to the commual areas. Should there be a play area? Should there be a shop/bar? the possibilities are endless. Lets get the press involved to advertise and embarrass those responsible for the situation we are all in. Well, I've said my bit is there anyone else in Agua Nueve who's interested?

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26 Sep 2008 6:06 PM by Johnj Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hi Pooks

I presume you are the person who contributed to the Costa Almeria Forum also.

I noticed your suggestion to form a community group was removed after a few days.

Who have you upset?  

I think you are correct but I do not think the residents want to speak collectively.

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