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Angel de Miraflores forum threads
The Comments
23 Jul 2008 12:00 AM by russell Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

The Annual General Meeting for the community will take place at the Miraflores Centre on Friday 22 August 2008 at 7.30pm. Letters will be sent out to apartment owners at the end of July by our Administrators. If you have not received a letter by 10 August then please contact me -e mail :

I will be putting myself forward for re-election as President. 

The action plan I propose for the next 8 months will be to continue developing the community and taking this forward with major works to include -

Major changes to be voted on at the AGM.

Installation of  irrigation systems both inside and outside the community.

Block 1 - Prepare the area to the side and rear for grass seeding and planting of shrubs.

BlockS 2/3/4 - Prepare the area for planting of trees and shrubs between the outside fence and the footpath.

Block 5/6 - Prepare the area between blocks for grass seeding and planting of palm trees.

Block 3 - Inside the community, prepare for the planting of trees and ground cover shrubs.

Increasing security.

If you cannot attend the meeting please ensure your proxy vote is given to someone who is attending or  you can email or fax your proxy votes to -

e-mail :   or fax :  01484 518249.

Many thanks,

Michael Russell.

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06 Aug 2008 8:31 PM by russell Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

After having sent the agenda on the 9th July to our Administrator for the AGM on the 22 August 2008 finally today I have received the official call to the AGM / Agenda including the proxy form. 
Should any apartment owners require this form e-mailing or faxing to them for completion could you please e-mail me your details to - 

Many thanks,

Michael Russell.

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13 Aug 2008 7:25 PM by russell Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Just a short message to thank those who have taken the time to e-mail their proxy votes to me and their confidence in me continuing as President. For those who have not voted please don't delay as I leave for Spain next Thursday ( 21st August ). Your vote is important so please use this as I can only continue as President if voted in by you the apartment owners. If you are attending the AGM I look forward to seeing you at the meeting 7.30pm sharpe as we have alot of major changes to disclose.

Many thanks,

Michael Russell.

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15 Aug 2008 11:27 AM by carynwales Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message


1        Gardens are non existent except for block 4!! – the few they have planted else where do not get watered!

2        Flower containers  - non in block 2 yet 3 or 4 outside block 4.  These should be everywhere to improve the presentation of the complex, it only takes a pack of seeds and a bit of watering each day!  Why is everything done for block 4!!

3        The cleaners only clean the ground floors and wipe ½ a window ledge!

4        Cars and mortorbikes parked around the pool and on the pavements, you have to walk on the road(as the lift to the pool is broken, and looks a mess already)!  They don’t take care, a young girl came out of her apartment and  had to walk between 2 cars and was almost knocked down by a car reversing.    HOW have they got keys to the electronic gates, you are only supposed to have these when you buy a garage!!!

5        Pool doesn’t open until 11.  Guests to our apartment have complained and pointed out that people in the apartments behind us have access to their pool at 9am.

6        There are 5 parasols around the pool and the Life Guard has 1 of these and they just talk to their friends all day.

7        We are in Spain, where’s our Bouganvilla around the complex.  Look at others that have this, it looks really prettyand long lasting flowers.  Not a palm tree in sight!  The gardens are too flat, levels need to be introduced with rockeries etc (appreciate its early days yet, but putting ideas forward)

8        The complex looks like satellite city!  Connect the satellites on the roof tops and give a time scale for the removal of the private dishes, some are even on the outside of their properties – people not paying community fees could then have their T.V signals cut off!  The complex looks rough already, between these and the cars!!

9        Rooftop structures, again look roof and no permanent structures should be allowed, including fencing.

10    On the general outlook of the complex, if a row of two Spanish roof tiles were placed on the top of the building this would soften the look of the building and make it less like a prison complex.

11    On the subject of Aifos not doing the promised work and paying community fees, my idea is to give a garage space to every apt and hold Aifos to ransom (as they did us) and tell them that when all the work is completed (landscaping, pool, repairs) then they can have their garages back to sell – a good bargaining tool!  Someone is obviously giving out the key device

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15 Aug 2008 2:02 PM by russell Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message


Nothing like hitting below the belt. I assume you will be attending the AGM to put your views and comments forward. Which apartment do you own and in which block ?

Flowers are outside block 4 because the  residents paid for them themselves. Every block has planters outside them but if residents can't be bothered to plant them up then they will be left empty.

Cleaners - changes are to announced at the AGM.

The lift down to pool is not broken and never has been. The reason this is not working is because it does not have a telephone for emergiences and by law you have to have a telephone installed.  People who own apartment in blocks 5,6 and 7 are alllowed to park their cars around the pool but do not have the use of garages. The key fob has 2 controls 1 for the gates and 1 for garage if a space was purchased.

Pool does not open until 11.00am. This is to give time for the pool to be cleaned. By Spanish law a lifeguard has to be on duty when the pool is open if the pool is bigger than 200 m2 which ours is. A life guard is very expensive that is why the pool opening times are as listed. The pool in Rancho C is smaller than 200m2 so no lifeguard is needed.

Your comments regarding the lifeguards are totally unjustified - could you sit in the sun for 5 hour shift and no shade!!

Your comments are noted about the gardens.  Things will change - announcements at the AGM. No point in planting trees and shrubs without irrigation which we do not have.

Comments regarding the dishes etc are totally justified. Your comments as to how we address this would be appreciated. We can't cut off the signal unless you want to climb into every apartment with a dish with a pair scissors.

By law we can't stop apartment owners putting up structures on the roof terraces.

In a perfect world would agree with your suggestion on roof structure but we have no money because are crap Administrator has not done his job in collecting community fees. Something to look at for the future. Most of us bought off plan because it was a competitive price. Lets look on the positive side and not keep knocking the place. Comments like yours do nothing to help our cause.

We have taken legal action against Aifos to rectify the problems they left but as yet we have nothing to show for this. The legal system in Spain works very slowly.

I find some of your comments rather disturbing. I have only  been President for 12 months and have worked my butt off in getting the community where it is today. I do this voluntarily but the majority of e-mails I get are of criticism of the community and what has not been done rather what has been done.  Rome was not built in a day!!  Rancho C has been up and running for a good many years and cannot be compared to Angel.

I would assume from your comments you will not be voting for me as President. Perhaps a Spanish President would be more to your liking and then you would have to address your issues in Spanish.

Myself and the block representatives have a difficult role to play so may I suggest you either put up for election and see for yourself, or keep your opinions to yourself when you do not have the full facts on how the community has to operate.

As I have stated previously I look forward to seeing you at the AGM next Friday 22nd August.

Signed a rather disappointed President.

Mike Russell.




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