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Live News From Spain As It Happens

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Spanish mums call for legislation allowing them to breast-feed in public
Tuesday, April 1, 2014 @ 1:17 PM

NEW mums have petitioned Spain's Parliament for a law giving them the right to breast-feed their babies anywhere without fear of reprisal.

According to the campaign group Lactancia en Libertad ('freedom for breast-feeding'), many women are asked to leave bars, restaurants, shopping centres and other public places for 'inappropriate behaviour' when they feed their babies.

These places have included swimming pools, sports centres, libraries and even nursery schools.

The group wants to see Spain implement a law similar to those of the UK, USA and Australia where a mother's right to breast-feed her baby takes priority.

“It's not obscene behaviour, it's totally natural - it's just feeding a child, and we need a law which means we cannot be discriminated against just for feeding our sons and daughters,” said a spokeswoman for the group.


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