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Paella on toast

A record of the journey over land and the time spent whilst in Spain in the Valencia area assessing the potential for us Jac & Al taking up residency in the Costa Blanca Murcia area.
our departure date is the 16th of March 2013 with a ferry trip from Portsmouth to Santander then a 520 mile trip to Murcia with planned stops at Burgos and Madrid.

17 Days to go
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Well it seems that we have much to do over the next 16 days.   Shopping, packing, arranging house viewings, sorting out my cat Smokie, notifying DVLA that I won't be taxing my car during April and I would very much like a rebate for March lol.  I have to clean the caravan, pack it, while Al has to test all the electrics and gas so that at least we won't freeze.

Have a guess what it's bloody freezing in Spain and snowing up in the Madrid area at the moment  and I have just sorted a load of summer clothes to take with me drrrrrr. 

Oh and we both have to notify TV Licensing that we want our licenses suspended for two months, don't see why we should pay when we aren't here.

We have had to buy all manner of stuff in order for us to be able to travel through France and Spain, such as breathalisers for France and hi-viz jackets and warning triangles in case of breakdown.

When we come back from our adventure we will write a full report so that anyone else thinking of doing the same mad, crazy thing as us doesn't have to do all the research that we did, although Maz and Paul together with members of Chase DA were a great help as they have done France and the continent a few times with their caravan.

Had a session in Cannock hospital today to get my heels sorted with cortisone injections so that I can do some walking when we get to Spain.  Cannock fault Cannock hospital they are just great, but alas no grog tonight (so I am told).

Tomorrow, photo copy all important documents such as passports and  keep copies in the car, I will also scan them and keep a copy on line just in case, you never know, We wouldn't want to be marooned in Spain for ever because passports has been nicked now would we.....

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