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ACTIN, making changes for animals in Spain.

Animal care Treatment International Network has been set up to make changes for the animals in Spain, who suffer abandonment and cruelty. What we plan to do is to bring awareness of the problems to the world’s media. We need to promote education, new legislation and support neutering campaigns. It is necessary to get support Internationally to put pressure to bear on the Spanish government and to persuade them to take more responsibility for the lack of animal welfare in Spain. ACTIN plans in the future to bring about these changes through media awareness. Actin will tell the truth of how it is on an everyday basis, particularly in the country villages of Murcia, where there is a lot of ignorance and abuse. They will tell of what the volunteers deal with and how the abuse of animals is getting worse. ACTIN will endeavor to bring about campaigns for sterilization and education in schools. There is a need for a Society to protect the animals and this is what ACTIN aim to do in the future but we need much support to achieve our aims.

We need a revolution – Denouncements of cruelty in every corner of Spain
Saturday, December 1, 2012 @ 6:15 PM

 Please read the following if you care and want to help make the difference.

Actin is doing as much research on the causes of animal cruelty as possible and continuing to make awareness.  This task is difficult because there is so much confusion about the laws and the way different regions handle it.

Our aims are to tackle the cause of the problems.

We all wonder why a country like Spain that is in the EU and is a civilised country has such terrible problems.  Most believe that it is not possible to change things and so they accept it.

There are hundreds of fantastic rescues and volunteers saving the animals, homing them and rescuing them from torturous situations – where and when will it ever end?

Let’s not forget, there is cruelty everywhere but we are focusing on WHY it is like this here in Spain and what can we do.   There are thousands of Spanish people who feel the same way as us foreigners and ex- pats.  We have not come to this country to tell the people what they should do about the animal problems, indeed our Association ACTIN is made up of 50% Spanish committee members.  Many of us animal loving ex-pats want to help the Spanish to make changes and why shouldn’t we, we live here too and we want to make a difference?

So what do we do to make that change?  ACTIN is setting up a neutering campaign; we are planning education programmes and clubs for children – as many others are doing too.  We are bringing awareness, and we are looking at ways of helping the other rescuers to give them support too.

BUT there is one more thing – the most important of all, that everyone in Spain can do to help and we really have to do it, if we want to start seeing a difference.

We cannot stress to you enough that you must report cruelty.

What’s needed is a revolution – denouncements of cruelty in every corner of Spain

If you have been to a pound and seen terrible conditions, go to your local animal welfare Association and ask them to go with you to make a denuncia, if you have witnessed cruelty – the same, get support though, don’t be alone.  Ask for help BUT please don’t ignore it.

We know that there are no laws in Spain – there is a tiny paragraph in the legal Còdigo Penal  (the reference book/bible) for lawyers –  the only paragraph in the whole book that says anything about animals – it states ‘animal cruelty is punishable by one to three months imprisonment’ – and that is it…nothing else!  So, when someone goes to report something, an unsympathetic judge can easily turn around and say, which law is this particular complaint applicable to?  And there isn’t one!!!  So another person backs out from denouncing because they don’t have the support.  Stick with it, don’t give up!!!  Fear is the next thing… you live in a village, with people who are making money from their Galgos and their hunting activities – or whatever the case may be.  It’s pretty intimidating isn’t it, knowing what these people may be like?  We would suggest quietly getting photos and evidence and then ask for help from an Association.

 We can shout and cry on social networking and to our friends about how terrible and unfair it is but it will continue if we say nothing about it.

What else do we do?  We start letter campaigns, petitions and send them to the government and to Seprona. ‘What is wrong’, says the government and Seprona – we don’t see anything, there is no evidence of this!!

If a few denuncias about animal cruelty are being lodged each year then why would they take it seriously – not much to worry about as far as they are concerned?   Think of this too, what would happen to Spain’s beloved Bull fighting?  If they establish what constitutes an act of cruelty, then that will apply as well, to the awful torture and killing of the bulls. Another deterrent for them not apply proper laws and deterrents.

We have to work to do this – we implore you to denounce, get help from an Association.  As soon as these denuncias and complaints come flying in, they have to take notice…in the meantime; we will just put a sticking plaster over the problem and keep rescuing animals, when we don’t even have the resources!

Of course we must continue with the other things, the  sterilisation awareness, we know this will make a huge difference to the abandonment problem….but  it is the denuncias in the long run that will make help to make way to transform the opinion of the government and to force them into doing something.  For the ex- pats – we live in Spain and things have to be done in a different way to how we would do them in our own country. We have learnt that this is the way to help.

If you are concerned for the animals involved

Understandably you may be worried about the animals and what will happen to them if you complain, so ask for help from an Association close to you.  It has to be one in the same area.  If an Association puts in a denuncia on your behalf and they offer to be responsible for the animals involved, then Seprona have an obligation to that Association and the animals will be protected.

We do not assume that every Association will want to be involved in denouncing but please ask.

So to all those that have seen and witnessed something, please think about this, it needs a huge number to start getting noticed and every one of you that denounce brings us one step forward.

Please spread this important message…let us know how you feel about this.  Let’s get a support group together.  Your ideas and input is welcome…

We must denounce cruelty

 If you would like a copy of our poster in English or Spanish, please write

POSTED IN:   ACTIN NEWS  1st December 2012

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