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ACTIN, making changes for animals in Spain.

Animal care Treatment International Network has been set up to make changes for the animals in Spain, who suffer abandonment and cruelty. What we plan to do is to bring awareness of the problems to the world’s media. We need to promote education, new legislation and support neutering campaigns. It is necessary to get support Internationally to put pressure to bear on the Spanish government and to persuade them to take more responsibility for the lack of animal welfare in Spain. ACTIN plans in the future to bring about these changes through media awareness. Actin will tell the truth of how it is on an everyday basis, particularly in the country villages of Murcia, where there is a lot of ignorance and abuse. They will tell of what the volunteers deal with and how the abuse of animals is getting worse. ACTIN will endeavor to bring about campaigns for sterilization and education in schools. There is a need for a Society to protect the animals and this is what ACTIN aim to do in the future but we need much support to achieve our aims.

Eighty dogs & puppies saved since Actin's conception
Thursday, September 12, 2013 @ 10:30 AM

Actin is a non-rescue, so why have we saved this many dogs and re-homed, fostered and adopted more than 50? The answer is we cannot do the work we are doing without saving them.

We are so proud that not only have we saved this many adult dogs and puppies but we have had many successful adoptions through our Adopt a Spanish rescued dog Facebook page and website, some have been taken by other associations to re-home and some are still waiting. But we have to focus on the job that Actin is set up to do and if we are going to continue like this we need more help, to take off the incredible pressure of seeking funds. We like to re-home our dogs and be sure that they will go on to a better life and we didn’t expect the immense work this involves but so far we realise that we are pretty good at it and its important to us. But the funding is another huge pressure that we cannot manage along with the investigations of cruelty, the campaigns and the development of the association.

To continue with this rate of rescue and re-homing we need sponsorship, or a regular source of income to maintain the dogs we rescue.

We would like to thank the following organisations and individuals for their help with these dogs

The Harmony Fund, Jeanne Thompson, Starfish rescue UK, Jacquie Hazeleger, Dogwatch UK, Perros sin Casa, Perros En Familia, MTC Catalunya and all those adopters, fosterers, carers, donators to our T-cup campaign, member sponsors and all the support morally and financially, that we have received from Facebook members and friends…we couldn’t do what we have done so far without you.

kindly go to this page on our website & help our cause by donating.

We have put photos of many of our adoptions there too. Thanks!

Facebook pages are ACTIN-SPAIN 




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Barbara Richards said:
Thursday, September 12, 2013 @ 10:45 AM

wonderful work by a wonderful dedicated lady.....also saw you on CARE2...the word is spreading...may the day come when all animals are treated with care + respect as they should be, + much love included, if they are very lucky......

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