Monday, October 06, 2008

It's time to start praying

Walking to the office this morning I went through the usual morning ritual...I become a local rubbish collector.

Some of our roads here have still not been handed over to the town hall (for one reason or another) which means they never get cleaned. I'm not one to walk past a load of rubbish on the street and hope it all goes away. I get to the top of the road with bags of rubbish falling out of my arms.

But who throws their rubbish in the street anyway? Do people like living like pigs? I really can't understand it at all.

I have to say though, the Brits that live around here are very good at cleaning up the streets. They often turn out (me included) with brooms in hand to keep this area clean and tidy. If it wasn't for our efforts this place would be disgusting.

I'll come off my soap box now and get on my knees again....not to clean anything else, just to pray that one day we may have have someone who will clean our street, after all, we all pay our local taxes. It's not a lot to ask for in this day and age is it?



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