Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back again

We went to the Bahia park water park in Algeciras yesterday with some friends. It's a great place to spend a day with the kids. They just love it.

But I had to enjoy it with some pain...

In the morning before we left I decided to pop into the office and just check a couple of things. As I left I went down the stairs and slipped half way down....landing right on my back! Ouch.

During the day, going down the rides at the water park, landing heavily in the pools at the end of the slides, my back took a right hammering. By the evening I looked like a walking leaning tower of Pisa!

Today the cold pack is out again and I won't be going anywhere!

Moral of the story...don't go to a water park if you have a bad back.



Blogger kilrail said...

Justin, here's something to try for a back where you are leaning to one side. I discovered this by accident when I had to nail up some ceiling boards and my back went like yours the day before. I was in agony but had no choice but to do it myself.
After standing on a stepstool and nailing upwards for 20 mins my wife remarked that my back didn't seem to be bothering me and I wasn't leaning sideways.
I couldn't believe that it had completely gone - normally 3 visits to a physio and a period of 3 weeks are needed to sort it out.
Needless to say the next time it happened about 6 months later I remembered the last time and tried to emulate what I had done before being careful to do it out of sight, as I risked the men in white coats calling round, I was jumping up and down with an imaginary hammer hammering imaginary nails into the ceiling.
After 5 mins I was knackered (not very fit) but sure enough the back problem was gone yet again.
Strangely I have not had much of a back problem since but I am confident I can sort it myself in future.
If you are bent over to one side , give it a try, it is not a joke or wind up and you never know it might work for you too.

5:46 PM  
Blogger Eye on Spain said...

Steve, thanks for the tip. Am I supposed to basically keep both feet on the floor, head back, arm up?

Trying to imagine what I need to do!

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just had to try it again to remind myself. Yes, both feet on ground, head up and moving the arm (right in my case) as if hammering nails into the ceiling. The whole body moves and I keep going up on tip toes and down again.
It's quite aerobic and I suppose it worked because I was stretching the back. I was bent to the left so I was stretching the right side.
It would be so easy to demo but I'm not too hot with video uploads.
Anyway hope it might help - maybe yours is a mild attack and it will recover quickly anyway.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Buddies said...

We have a place in Spain, villa la manga club and my two kids are always trying to drag me to this kind of place (rather than a simple beach). I've told them on mumerous occasions that it's not a great idea, now I have proof that water parks are bad news for the 'older male'.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Daniel Hannan said...

Hi, Justin. I wonder whether your readers might be interested in this piece about the importance of Brits registering and voting in Spain:

Best wishes,

Daniel Hannan

4:43 PM  

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