Monday, September 04, 2006

Vendimia in Manilva - What a racket!

This weekend saw the "Vendimia" grape harvest festival in the village. It's basically an opporunity for everyone to drink themselves silly for a whole weekend. Being only a few seconds away from the main street we've heard all the partying day and night this weekend.

It's a great "party" really with free wine and grapes and the odd hat here and there. There were bands playing all the time whilst everyone enjoyed the free wine and grapes.

But, my heart must go out to all those that actually live on the main street! These parties have literally gone on for 48 hours non stop. Many of the people that live by the main street are elderly and although they've probably lived there all their lives there must come a point in a weekend such as this where they just want them all to go home and let them get some sleep!

I suppose it's only really that "bad" once a year, although saying that there's always some party of some sort going on nearly every weekend! It's all good fun really!


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