Monday, August 07, 2006

Call me Mr President

Last Wednesday evening we had our annual community owners meeting. It was the the third one we've had in the past year and also the worst. If you've been to a community meeting with predominently Spanish owners there, you'll know what I'm referring to. If you haven't then you're lucky!

You see, in community meetings the English tend to be reserved (as they are) and the Spanish tend to be more outspoken and louder than ever....they don't hold back. Most of the Spanish owners have had it in for our administrator since the beginning and they weren't going to hold back in getting rid of them on this opportunity. A chair was kicked across the room, the administrator was called all sorts of names, she called the police, there was general shouting and abuse until in the end (only 10 minutes have passed by this time) everyone votes the administrator out they prompty leave fearing for their lives.

It might sound funny but it really wan't nice to witness at all. Anarchy ensued and some of us managed to calm the situation down. After some "discussion" I offered myself as President (yes, I'm totally mad) and we then selected the rest of the committee.

So here I am today looking out of my window wondering where to start. We've no administrator, contrators need paying, we still don't have proper water, electricity or phones, and the list goes on. I'm going to start at the town hall to try and see the mayor to get some things sorted in the area. I don't think I'm going to be getting much of my own work done for the next few weeks....

I'll keep you updated on how things go....but wish me luck as I'm going to need it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha, you have no idea what you have left yourself in for.....I hope you have a bit of Irish in'll need the luck of the Irish with this one!

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen on my development and on the developments in which friends have properties many changes of President and committee over the years. It is a thankless task and one which I would not be prepared to take on board.
Unfortunately a lot of people in the beginning see the Presidents role as being more than it actually is.
They see themselves as being 'above the norm', 'in charge', 'community boss'. They believe that the role gives them the right to manipulate rules to suit what is their personal vision of how things should be and be done. the swimming pool rules should be their rules, the gardens laid out in the way in which they like them.
They go through the motions of asking the 'owners' what they would like but if it doesn't fit in with their own vision they ignore suggestions, belittle the owner and do it their way anyway. In short they are little Hitlers.
If a problem arises in the Community which can not be resolved with bluff and shouting down, they immediately look for someone to blame as it couldn't possibly be them.
Eventually they begin to realize that they are actually no more than just another owner, they aren't royalty. When this happens they stand down.
In some cases they never do accept that they are the same as every other owner and find themselves being voted out at an AGM. When this happens they inevitably become a disruptive element at meetings.

However all is not bleak. As the community evolves and matures, as lessons are learned, someone who actually has the interests of the whole community at heart will come forward and take on this voluntary role.
They will begin to work for the benefit of the whole community. The community will then probably flourish.
My observations above are not meant to be pointed at anyone in particular, they are simply MY generalizations borne from MY experiences.

If Presidents and Committees spent more time and used more energy looking and working for solutions than they do in trying to shift the blame, then they may get somewhere.

11:17 PM  
Blogger sol golf phases 1 & 2 said...

Hi Justin
from a fellow President, yes you must be totally mad, still someone has to do the job. Good luck!

12:28 PM  

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