Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Glass curtains Spain

I was round a friend's house today and he's got a really good glass encolsure around his terrace in Duquesa. I have seen these becoming more and more popular as it allows the terrace to be used all year round.

In our area it's particularly good for keeping the terrace clean! It's so dusty around here that especially in the summer you end up cleaning your terrace nearly every day just to get rid of the dust.

I saw this website about glass curtains Spain whish shows some examples of glass curtains. Have you seen these glass curtains yourself? What do you think of them?

I like the fact that they don't change the look of the terrace much but I wonder if as part of a community you could fit these without it needing to be approved by the community?? Will take a look into that but I assume each community has it's on policy on them.

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