Monday, June 04, 2007

On holiday in Duquesa

All the talk on Friday evening was about the ITV program "Tonight with Trevor McDonald" and their latest doom and gloom view of the Spanish property market. I couldn't bring myself to watch it so we decided to go out to Puerto de la Duquesa for an Italian meal.

There seems to be an abundance of Italian restaurants at the port but we chose to go to one called "Il Capitano". It turned out to be a good choice really. Excellent food, excellent speedy service and friendly staff. Definitely recommend it.

It was a really nice mild evening on Friday and even though we live here we felt like we were on holiday! Duquesa has become very "British" so there is a real holiday feel about the place with lots of toursits in all restaurants as just walking around the port. The England vs Brazil match was on too so most of the bars were full too. It's nice that you can feel like you're on holiday even though you live here.

The only down side is that we get into the "holiday" mode and just spend money as if we were on holiday. But we'll definitely be going "on holiday" to Duquesa again in the evenings, I'm sure of it.

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