Monday, May 21, 2007

1 rose = 1 vote .... surely not

I took the kids to school this morning and was horrified to find none other than the Mayor stood at the school gates handing out roses to all the mothers! Was this a sign of desparation on his part? It certainly smelt that way (overpowered the roses!).

Come on, surely women aren't THAT easily bought....are they?? The elections are on Sunday and it seems the mayor is desperately trying to claw in those remaining "confused" voters. But can a rose really buy a woman's vote?

Please, any ladies out there, please tell me it doesn't work and that eveyone will have seen through him today??

If that's all it takes then I'm going to be buying Susan a lot more roses from now on!!

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Anonymous Doug Green said...

Hey, the guy is bribing you with his own money - that's compared to N.A. politicians bribing you with your money. Which makes more sense? ;-)

12:47 AM  

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