Friday, December 01, 2006

Going back home

Susan took the kids round to see some friends for the last time yesterday before they return to England for good. It was an emotional affair as you can imagine.

It got me thinking about the number of people who do actually return to the UK, most of the time within the first 12 months. So many of the friends we've made over the past 2 and a half years are now back in the UK.

There are many reasons why all these people have decided that enough is enough and packed their bags and gone home. The main factor seems to be money. Making money here is not easy and if you have to work for someone else then you'll probably be earning less than you would back home.

Some of them have gone back because they were bored and couldn't settle down, maybe missing the family too much. In fact one family we know were barely here 6 months when after the kids had settled well into the school here they decided to return because one of them was bored (not fair on the kids really).

Some people have just grown tired of not understanding the language and getting frustrated with the sytems in place here.

And the list goes on...

I suppose at the end of the day it's just not for everyone but you don't know until you try. We have on occasion considered moving back to the UK. We had a really tough start when we first moved here and we get frustrated ourselves with the maƱana mentality which, by the way, takes some getting used to! But the kids are happy and I definitely think Spain is so much better than the UK for kids.

We won't be going anywhere ourselves for now but I wonder how many more of our friends will??


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