Saturday, December 10, 2005

Holiday week in Spain

Tuesday was the official start of Christmas in Spain. Therefore, Tuesday was a public holiday as was Thursday (another religious day). When you get these holidays in the middle of the week, which are very common in Spain, people usually take the Monday or the Friday off to create a "bridge" with the weekend, this is know as "puente" meaning bridge.

Puente weekends are a notorious time for road accidents. Until today I had no idea why so many people die on the roads on these long weekends all the time. Today is the first time I have truly understood why. Coming back from the brilliant Myramar shopping centre in Fuengirola today we encountered every form of bad driving you could possible imagine. It was is if everyone was on a death wish. We were just grateful to make it home in one piece. Someone should really look into why driving in Spain becomes particularly risky as these times. Seeing is believing!


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