The following article is taken from Eye on Spain,

Live in Spain But No More Holidays

Beach in SpainDo  You Need A Holiday?

When I used to visit Spain, I used to wonder if actually living in Spain would spoil it all for me. My partner compares it to finally getting to drive your dream car. Once it’s done, it’s done and there’s nothing left to get excited about. So now that you live in your top holiday destination, do you need to go on holiday? The answer is a big affirmative yes and a holiday doesn’t mean a few days back home to catch up with family, friends and shops.

Now that you live by the beach and sip wine on the terrace, it doesn’t mean that you don’t need to get away. The things that were once the preserve of holidays are now common practice or have been done a thousand times. Life becomes monotonous even in this “paradise” and everywhere has its pressures.

What Does A Holiday Mean To You?

Your holiday requirements will have changed since you left your home country. So, it is time to think outside the box as to what a holiday means to you. It has to be more than beach and a pool or you are never going to leave Spain. Some people are quite happy with that thought but isn’t a life fleeting between Spain and “back home” wasted when there is a great big world out there?

New Places

Living in Spain should make you more determined to visit those places that you always dreamt of but couldn’t as the daily grind and pace of life back home meant that the only holiday that you could cope with was a fortnight by a pool. Even if you can’t afford flights to far off exotic places, you can get in your car or find about areas in Spain that are accessible by train. Once people move to Spain, they seem to lose interest in holidays or lack inspiration so you might consider the following which are on your doorstep to get you started:

Andalucia’s Cities


Other Spanish Cities including:

San Sebastian

Provinces of Spain With Beautiful Scenery


Discover Europe

It’s just a case of driving inland to discover beautiful lakes and wild countryside. Leisure Holidays in Spain could include skiing in Sierra Nevada, camping, cycling and walking. Nowadays with the availability of budget airlines, Europe has become much cheaper to get around. From Malaga airport, you can fly to Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Salzburg etc. Don’t forget Eastern Europe but hurry before you miss it in its original condition because it is rapidly developing. Portugal and France are both nearby options that you can reach in a car.

Get Out Of Europe

Although, you do learn so much from moving to and living in Spain, that shouldn’t be the extent of it. Try other countries for holidays and who knows one day you might swap one of them for Spain. It doesn’t need to stop at Europe as there’s so much world to see which is so different to Spain. Have a look through an Atlas or drop into your nearest travel agent and pick up some brochures for some travel inspiration. But whatever you do don’t let the space between Spain, “back home” and the space in between be the extent of your world.



Great advice. We certainly need to discover a lot more of Spain.4/5/2011 1:16:00 AMdave